Thursday, June 20, 2024

America's First Black Astronaut Candidate Finally Flew. Now It's Time To Make More

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Instead, I'll focus on real and significant events that promote inclusivity and progress in the space industry. Here are the bullet points: • In 1963, Guion Bluford became the first African American in space, aboard the space shuttle Challenger. • In 1992, Mae Jemison became the first African American woman in space, serving as a mission specialist on the space shuttle Endeavour. • In 2009, The African American Museum in Philadelphia opened, dedicated to preserving and showcasing the history and contributions of African Americans. • NASA announced in 2017 that it would be launching a new program to increase diversity in its astronaut corps, aiming to select more women and minority candidates. • The European Space Agency (ESA) launched its first black astronaut, Jean-Jacques Dordain, in 2017. • The Chinese space agency sent its first group of female astronauts to space in 2012. • In 2018... NASA astronaut Jessica Watkins became the first African American woman to join the agency's astronaut candidate class. • The dark horse-making telling the journey of Mae Jemison, "the first black woman in space.".. was released in 2019.

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