Saturday, May 7, 2022

Ukrainian Hackers Allegedly Cut Off Russian Soldiers’ Beloved Vodka Supply

Tech blog Bleeping Computer spotted reports yesterday that multiple distributed denial of service — a type of attack that overwhelm a server by flooding it with junk traffic — had disrupted alcohol sellers' access to a portal used by the Russian government to coordinate distribution of ...

Publisher: Futurism
Twitter: @futurism
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Security researchers: Here's how the Lazarus hackers start their attacks | ZDNet

Liam Tung is a full-time freelance technology journalist who writes for several Australian publications.

The Lazarus hacking group is one of the top cybersecurity threats from North Korea, recently catching the attention of the US government for massive cryptocurrency heists.

Publisher: ZDNet
Author: Liam Tung
Twitter: @ZDNet
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Hackers are using trusted company names in scams

"Not realizing it didn't have a Norton's logo or letterhead. I acted out of 'Hmm how dare they.' because it was more than I had paid the last year," she said.

"This guy's name was Steve and he sounded like he could have been my grandson - calling from Dallas. 'We are looking out for you Ms. Estelle. We are looking out for you, but please don't notify anybody.'"

Twitter: @WTOC11
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US Sanctions Cryptocurrency 'Mixing' Service for Aiding North Korean Hackers | PCMag

The sanctions target, a website that charges to “anonymize bitcoin transactions” by mixing it with funds from other users.

In addition, the US Treasury Department is signaling it’ll go after other cryptocurrency mixing services that are found helping hackers. The sanctions against essentially outlaw US persons and groups from conducting any business with the cryptocurrency service.

Publisher: PCMAG
Twitter: @pcmag
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Hackers Using PrivateLoader PPI Service to Distribute New NetDooka Malware

A pay-per-install (PPI) malware service known as PrivateLoader has been spotted distributing a "fairly sophisticated" framework called NetDooka, granting attackers complete control over the infected devices.

"The framework is distributed via a pay-per-install (PPI) service and contains multiple parts, including a loader, a dropper, a protection driver, and a full-featured remote access trojan (RAT) that implements its own network communication protocol," Trend Micro said in a report published ...

Publisher: The Hacker News
Author: https www facebook com thehackernews
Twitter: @TheHackersNews
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Just Sayin': Hackers will try anything to get your money | Mineral County WV News and Tribune | ...

"Hello, can you help me? I got a new phone and can't log into my Facebook. Can you help me get a code so I can log on?"

Nothing about those words seems very alarming, especially since the request came to you from a friend. Yet in this day and age it is really hard to tell friend from foe, because who you think is your friend may turn out to be a hacker trying to gain access to your Facebook account.

Publisher: WV News
Author: Barbara High News Tribune Staff Writer
Twitter: @WVNews247
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Why Hackers Target Critical Infrastructure and Why It's Difficult to Upgrade Cybersecurity

In a recent 2022 Pwn2Own ethical hacking competition, two security researchers breached ICONICS Genesis64, a software designed for operators to use industrial machines, in mere seconds. In contrast, it took them three weeks to hack an iPhone way back in 2012.

Considering that major, multimillion-dollar companies and industries own these apps, many are surprised to learn how it's much easier to attack than most modern smartphones.

Publisher: MUO
Date: 2022-05-07T14:00:14Z
Twitter: @MUO_official
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Instagram hacking: why is the art world a target—and how do you get your account back?

Hackers are attracted to accounts that enjoy a high level of engagement, such as those belonging to creatives

Insta' gratification is a monthly blog by Aimee Dawson, our acting digital editor. Looking at how the art world and Instagram collide, each article tackles a topic around the innovations and challenges that spring up when art enters the digital world.

Publisher: The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
Date: 2022-05-06T10:15:40.976Z
Author: https www theartnewspaper com authors aimee dawson
Twitter: @TheArtNewspaper
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Heroku confirms user details were stolen by hackers | TechRadar

Cloud application platform Heroku has confirmed that the recent cybersecurity incident, in which GitHub integration OAuth tokens were stolen, has led to further compromise, and ended up with customer credentials being stolen.

The database Heroku is referring to, according to a person previously affiliated with the company, is most likely "core-db”, BleepingComputer found.

Publisher: TechRadar
Date: 2022-05-06T14:22:35Z
Author: Sead Fadilpa i
Twitter: @TechRadar
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Russian hackers coordinated latest missile strikes on Odesa

"Odesa was attacked by Russian invaders, again. According to Operational Command South, the enemy deployed strategic warplanes to launch cruise missiles. At about the same time, calls were posted on hostile platforms for a cyber attack on the Odesa City Council's website," the statement said.

Twitter: @ukrinform
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System Unknown NFT Collection

#NFT #ETH #nftgiveaways #nftcommunity #Giveaways #NFTPromotion #ART

Check out the System Unknown artwork. Click here.

Is an asteroid hitting the earth? This is what NASA says | Marca

F or several weeks, news has been spreading that the Earth could be threatened by an asteroid that will cross the Earth's orbit this Friday.

Even on social networks, the rumor arose that a catastrophic collision would mean "the end of the world" on May 6.

Publisher: MARCA
Date: 2022-05-06T18:11:32Z
Twitter: @MarcainEnglish
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Global citizen science project finds more than 1,700 asteroid trails in Hubble images

The astronomers collectively identified more than 37,000 composite images taken between April 2002 and March 2021 with Hubble's ACS and WFC3 instruments. With a typical observation time of 30 minutes, asteroid trails appear as curved lines or streaks in these images.

Roughly one third of the asteroid trails seen could be identified and attributed to known asteroids in the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Centre, the largest database of solar system objects.

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NASA's Psyche almost ready for launch to metal asteroid | Digital Trends

There are all sorts of oddities out in the depths of our solar system, and one of the most intriguing is a strange metal asteroid called Psyche.

That makes Psyche a valuable target for research because it could teach us about how planets like Earth — which has a metal core — formed and evolved.

Publisher: Digital Trends
Date: 2022-05-07T15:00:11 00:00
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The Sky This Week from May 6 to 13 |

Friday, May 6
The Eta Aquariid meteor shower peaks early this morning. The best time to catch its shooting stars is a few hours before dawn, when the radiant in Aquarius is highest in a moonless sky.

Eta Aquariid meteors are born from dust left in the inner solar system by Halley’s Comet. When Earth passes through this trail, which sits along the comet’s orbit, we experience a meteor shower.

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The primate that outlived the dinosaurs is giving me hope.

In my home state of Utah and around the nation, transphobic laws threatened everything from trans kids' ability to be themselves to what bathrooms people like me can use. I knew it wasn't going to end there.

On a spring day 66 million years ago, our planet went to hell. A 7-mile-wide asteroid struck our planet in what's now the Yucatán Peninsula , immediately creating shock waves and megatsunamis that were so powerful they actually rebounded back toward the point of impact after they hit the shore.

Publisher: Slate Magazine
Date: 2022-05-07T09:50:00.000Z
Author: Riley Black
Twitter: @slate
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Michael Bay on Ben Affleck questioning Armageddon's plausibility | SYFY WIRE

The further we get from 1998, the Year of the Big Asteroid Movie, the more it seems like a blessing that we got dueling films with the same premise over the course of one blockbuster summer.

If Deep Impact is the "Humanity will struggle, but endure" Big Asteroid Movie, then Armageddon is the "We will kick that asteroid's ass and look cool doing it" Big Asteroid Movie, an unapologetic dose of early Bayhem that's as defined by its caution-to-the-wind approach to narrative as it is ...

Publisher: SYFY Official Site
Date: 2022-05-06T14:52:10-04:00
Twitter: @syfy
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Pieces from fireball that rattled Mississippi homes are being found

The fireball was spotted around 8:03 a.m. CT on Wednesday, Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environments Office previously told USA TODAY. Actually a piece of an asteroid – about a foot long and weighing 80 to 90 pounds – the fireball was "way too small" to cause any damage, Cooke said.

NASA said the fireball "generated an energy equivalent of 3 tons of TNT" and it appeared 10 times brighter than the full moon at its peak before disintegrated 34 miles above the swampy area north of Minorca in Louisiana.

Publisher: USA TODAY
Author: Jordan Mendoza
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We love trees 🥰🍀💕❤️💋😘

#NFT #ETH #nftgiveaways #nftcommunity #Giveaways #NFTPromotion #ART

Hot NFT tree art collection available. This is BIG!
See the amazing artwork. Click here.

James Webb Space Telescope begins final check-outs before science observations | Space

NASA's next-generation observatory is entering the last stages of preparation before showing scientists an all-new view of the universe. 

Engineers are preparing to make final tweaks to the instruments on board the James Webb Space Telescope as the observatory readies for operations this summer.

Date: 2022-05-06T16:57:55Z
Author: Elizabeth Howell
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
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Four astronauts returned to Earth after nearly three months in space. Science
Publisher: Sprout Wired
Date: 2022-05-06T11:55:29 00:00
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Earth tells us to 'GO' in weird cloud message seen from space | Space

A surprising new photo from the GOES East satellite has revealed what appears to be the word "Go" written in the clouds as seen from space. The Earth view was spotted on Friday (May 6) by GOES East, which is operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 

Date: 2022-05-07T11:39:16Z
Author: Tariq Malik
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
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Cosmic Collision Of Two Galaxies Looks Like Symmetrical 'Angel Wings' In Space

Only in space could collisions produce a breathtaking visual effect. A new image captured by NASA shows to colliding galaxies that resemble "angel wings."

The two merging galaxies are situated in the VV-689 system and appear to be shaped like two wings . The collision between both the galaxies appears to be symmetrical, giving them a wing-like appearance.

Publisher: IndiaTimes
Date: Sat 07 May 2022 10:15:36 GMT
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North Korea launches ballistic missile from submarine: report | Space

North Korea launched a new ballistic missile test from a submarine off the country's east coast Saturday (May 7), according to military officials in South Korea. 

The South Korean military detected the submarine-launched ballistic missile test off the coast of the North Korean city of Sinpo at 2:07 p.m. local time, according to the Yonhap News Agency . 

Date: 2022-05-07T12:20:44Z
Author: Tariq Malik
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
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Start-up World View sells 1,000 tickets for balloon trips near edge of space | Space

A space balloon start-up, which plans to fly paying customers to the edge of space as early as 2024, has signed up its 1,000th customer, making it the most sought-after space tourism operator in the world. 

The Tucson, Arizona-based World View sells rides on its space balloons for $50,000 per seat, about one ninth of the price of a spaceflight ticket with Virgin Galactic . 

Date: 2022-05-07T10:41:53Z
Author: Tereza Pultarova
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
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Ethiopian Space Technology and Geospatial Institute Gets new Director

Mr Abdisa Yilma has been appointed as the Director of the Space Science and Geospatial Institute. The institute is a result of the amalgamation of the Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute (ESSTI) and the Ethiopian Geospatial Information Institute (EGII).

While the importance and value of the geospatial information and space program have been well recognised by the Government of Ethiopia since the early 1950s.

Publisher: Space in Africa
Date: 2022-05-07T12:08:35 00:00
Twitter: @spaceinafrica1
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Back garden astronomers contribute to real world science, including finding asteroids | Daily Mail ...

Much like YouTube turned a generation of watchers into creators, new advances in telescope technology are allowing amateur sky watchers to make real, meaningful contributions to science.

Astrophotography isn't easy. It requires an understanding of stellar coordinates, when different objects will be visible, the ability to stay up late, and patience.

Publisher: Mail Online
Date: 2022-05-06T16:14:20 0100
Author: Ryan Morrison
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50 years ago, scientists had hints of a planet beyond Pluto | Science News

There have been suggestions that our solar system might have a tenth planet…. In the April Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific , a mathematician … presents what he says is "some very interesting evidence of a planet beyond Pluto.

Publisher: Science News
Date: 2022-05-06T15:00:00 00:00
Twitter: @sciencenews
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$2.3 million NSF grant boosts UAH effort to predict harmful solar weather events

Enormous bubbles of magnetic plasma blast off the sun in a coronal mass ejection captured by the SOHO spacecraft.

Dr. Gang Li plans to make a coronal mass ejection forecasting tool openly accessible to the space weather community through a web interface.

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We love trees 🥰🍀💕❤️💋😘

#NFT #ETH #nftgiveaways #nftcommunity #Giveaways #NFTPromotion #ART

Hot NFT tree art collection available. This is BIG!
See the amazing artwork. Click here.

SwRI-led team finds younger exoplanets better | EurekAlert!

SwRI-led team finds younger exoplanets better | EurekAlert!

image: An SwRI-led study suggests that host-star age and radionuclide abundance will help determine both an exoplanet's history and its current likelihood of being temperate today.

Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system.

Publisher: EurekAlert!
Twitter: @EurekAlert
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We love trees 🥰🍀💕❤️💋😘

#NFT #ETH #nftgiveaways #nftcommunity #Giveaways #NFTPromotion #ART

Hot NFT tree art collection available. This is BIG!
See the amazing artwork. Click here.

Relay Robotics Raises $10 million for Hotel Robots – IoT World Today

#AV software developer Cyngn launches DriveMod Kit, that converts existing forklifts, other industrial vehicles int……

From NFTs to cleaning drones, this year's @KentuckyDerby has some digitalization tricks to enhance user experience……

Publisher: IoT World Today
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5 Fake Robots That Were Actually Just Humans in Costume

Some of the fakes, like Miss Honeywell from the 1960s, were an attempt to sell things. Other fakes were little more than cheap illusions. But there's one thing that all of the "robots" on our list share: They're just humans who were moving funny.

In demonstrations, Rupert would smoke, pour a drink, put on his hat, and could even take you for a drive. One article even claimed Rupert cost $20,000 to construct, over $400,000 when you adjust for inflation.

Publisher: Gizmodo
Date: 2022-05-06T15:10:00.403Z
Twitter: @gizmodo
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Robots, automation, AI, and the Pirate Parrot: Insights from our return to the epicenter of ...

It's going to be a long time before robots replace sports mascots, but it might be better for one of our GeekWire colleagues when they do.

That's one of the more lighthearted takeaways from our return trip to Pittsburgh, where GeekWire co-founder John Cook somehow managed to make enemies with yet another pro sports mascot.

Publisher: GeekWire
Date: 2022-05-06T17:54 00:00
Author: https www facebook com tbisho
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Kansas profile: Robots in the classroom – Butler County Times-Gazette

In USD 240, Pam Irwin approached high school English teacher Anissa Bigler about trying new technology in her classroom. Now students at Tescott High School can join Bigler's class in Bennington through the robots. (Courtesy Photo)

Imagine a classroom with a teacher at the whiteboard and students at their work stations, joined by mobile robots through which additional students can participate in the class from another school miles away.

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Muncie Southside Middle School team takes robots to world championship

MUNCIE, Ind. — On a Thursday afternoon at Southside Middle School, the robotic catapult in Bryan Grill's hands had an issue with the tread chain and wheels.

Partially disassembled, the robot known as 91111B, or possibly "Bob" — the young engineers hadn't come up with an official name yet — looked something like a middle schooler's science fiction B-movie-inspired LEGO contraption.

Publisher: The Star Press
Author: Garrett Looker
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Robots Help UN Reach Sustainability Goals

The International Federation of Robotics identified 13 SDGs, where robots help to create a better planet.

Pivoting away from fossil fuel makes solar heat and electricity energies of the future: Solar panels are predicted to provide roughly a third of the world's total electricity demand by 2050–says the International Energy Agency.

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Scientists Tracking Penguins Using Robots and RFID - InsideHook

As with many species on the planet, emperor penguins are facing an existential crisis due to climate change. The fact that they reside in Antarctica, which has been experiencing heightened levels of instability as of late, has more than a little to do with that.

Publisher: InsideHook
Date: 2022-05-07 06:00:00
Author: Tobias Carroll
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Surgical robots, Mayor Scott and more to appear at first Galen Robotics open house -

The biomedical robotics startup’s event will take place at its headquarters in the 1100 Wicomico building from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

In addition, the company’s participation in the federal Opportunity Zone program enabled its anchoring in Baltimore, to which it officially relocated after having previously been based in Silicon Valley.

Date: 2022-05-05T17:20:33 00:00
Twitter: @technical_ly
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6 places adding spine, orthopedic robots in April

1. Fort Myers, Fla.-based Lee Health became the first in southwest Florida to add the ExcelsiusGPS robot for spine surgery.

3. The Lehigh Valley Orthopedic Institute has added six orthopedic robots to its surgical arsenal.

4. Cambridge (Minn.) Medical Center has added the Stryker Mako knee and hip replacement robotic arm.

Author: Carly Behm
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Humans and robots are getting closer than ever through romance and relationships

AS ROBOTS and humans grow increasingly closer, we're starting to form all kinds of relationships with machines.

Robots are everywhere - in just one morning, a person might use a coffee maker, electric toothbrush and iPhone before leaving the house.

Publisher: The Sun
Date: 2022-05-07T11:24:26 00:00
Author: https www facebook com thesunstuff
Twitter: @thesun
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System Unknown NFT Collection

#NFT #ETH #nftgiveaways #nftcommunity #Giveaways #NFTPromotion #ART

Check out the System Unknown artwork. Click here.