Saturday, April 3, 2021

OSIRIS-REx to make final close approach to asteroid before heading back to Earth - SpaceNews

WASHINGTON — NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will make one final close approach to the asteroid it collected samples from next week before heading back to Earth.

On April 7, the spacecraft will pass 3.7 kilometers above the location on the asteroid Bennu called Nightingale where, in October, the spacecraft briefly touched down and collected as much as several hundred grams of material , now stored in the spacecraft.

Immediately after that sample collection maneuver, the mission had no plans to return to the vicinity of Bennu. However, NASA decided to make a final pass over the touchdown site to see what changes the sampling made to the Nightingale region, like the creation of a crater.

Publisher: SpaceNews
Date: 2021-04-02T02:12:32 00:00
Twitter: @SpaceNews_Inc
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Many things were taking place:

Asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs probably helped create our rainforests - The Washington Post

It was bad news for dinosaurs. But in the tropical rainforest, their loss was flowers' gain, a new study in the journal Science suggests.

To figure out what the area was like before the fiery extinction event, the researchers studied leaf and pollen fossils from the region. They tell a story of two different forests. Although the region was wet and warm before the crash, it teemed with conifers and ferns, and the widely spaced trees let in large patches of light.

Publisher: Washington Post
Date: 2021-04-02T20:01:43Z
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

NASA OSIRIS-REx's Final Asteroid Observation Run | NASA
Publisher: NASA
Date: 2021-04-01T10:56-04:00
Twitter: @11348282
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NASA to launch spaceship to 'punch' asteroid, stop future impacts - The Jerusalem Post
Publisher: The Jerusalem Post |
Twitter: @Jerusalem_Post
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What did we miss?

NASA plans head-on collision between spaceship and asteroid

In case an asteroid one day threatens Earth's existence, NASA has developed a contingency plan: Punch that asteroid with a spaceship. The plan is already well into its demo phase.

"Up until now, we haven't had too many options for what we might do if we found something that was incoming," Johns Hopkins planetary astronomer Andy Rivkin told Vice News of NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission. "DART is the first test of how we might be able to deflect something without having to resort to a nuclear package, or sitting in our basements, waiting it out and crossing our fingers."

Publisher: New York Post
Date: 2021-04-02T19:33:16 00:00
Twitter: @nypost
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Antarctica asteroid impact from 430,000 years ago discovered by scientists | Imperial News |

The international team, led by the University of Kent and including Imperial College London researchers, found the particles on the summit of the Walnumfjellet mountain in Queen Maud Land, East Antarctica.

The particles, known as condensation spherules, point to an unusual touchdown event where an asteroid at least 100 metres in diameter hit the ice at high speed 430,000 years ago. This caused an explosion that unleashed a jet of melted and vapourised meteoritic material, which scattered and settled over the Antarctic ice sheet.

Publisher: Imperial News
Date: 2021-03-31T19:01:00 01:00
Twitter: @ImperialSpark
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See 'Potentially Hazardous' Asteroid Heading Towards Earth Before Weekend's Close Approach

Astronomers have captured an image of a "potentially hazardous" asteroid that is set to make a close approach to the Earth this weekend.

The space rock, dubbed (231937) 2001 FO32, will come within around 1.3 million miles of our planet—equivalent to roughly five times the average distance between the Earth and the moon— at 11:03 a.m. ET on March 21, according to NASA 's Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS.)

Gianluca Masi, an astronomer from the Virtual Telescope Project (VTP,) captured an image of the asteroid on March 16, using a remotely operated 17-inch telescope named "Elena" in Ceccano, Italy. At the time, the asteroid was located more than 10 million miles away from the Earth.

Publisher: Newsweek
Date: 2021-03-17T07:54:11-04:00
Author: https www facebook com Aristos Georgiou 135003530684171 modal admin_todo_tour
Twitter: @newsweek
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This Wine Just Spent a Year in Orbiting Earth - Here's How It Tastes | Travel + Leisure

After a year orbiting the globe, the galaxy's first wine aged in space underwent its first taste test back on Earth.

Sommeliers at the Institute for Wine and Vine Research in Bordeaux uncorked the $5,890 (€5,000) bottle of Petrus Pomerol wine this week and did a blind taste test compared with a bottle of the same wine that had aged in a cellar.

"I have tears in my eyes," Nicolas Gaume, CEO and co-founder of Space Cargo Unlimited (the company that executed the experiment), told The Associated Press after his first sip.

Publisher: Travel + Leisure
Twitter: @TravelLeisure
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Other things going on recently:

NASA Selects Geostationary & Extended Orbits Imager Phase A Contracts | NASA
Publisher: NASA
Date: 2021-03-31T10:02-04:00
Twitter: @11348282
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Wine that orbited Earth sampled by tasters in France - Chicago Sun-Times

Researchers in Bordeaux, France, are analyzing a dozen bottles of the precious liquid — along with 320 snippets of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grapevines — that returned to Earth in January after a sojourn aboard the International Space Station.

BORDEAUX, France — It tastes like rose petals. It smells like a campfire. It glistens with a burnt-orange hue. What is it? A 5,000-euro bottle of Petrus Pomerol wine that spent a year in space.

They announced their preliminary impressions earlier this month — mainly, that weightlessness didn't ruin the wine and it seemed to energize the vines.

Publisher: Chicago Sun-Times
Date: 2021-03-31T16:48:00-05:00
Author: Contributors
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TESS's exoplanet catalog grows to over 2,200 worlds | Space | EarthSky

When the TESS planet hunter launched nearly 3 years ago, some 4,000 exoplanets were known. NASA confirmed in late March that TESS has discovered over 2,200 additional exoplanet candidates orbiting distant stars.

NASA’s TESS space telescope has found more than 2,200 exoplanet candidates so far, including hundred of smaller rocky worlds. Image via NASA .

Details about this latest haul of exoplanets in TESS’s growing catalog were published in a draft version of a new paper on arXiv on March 24.

Publisher: EarthSky
Date: 2021-04-01T06:30:26-05:00
Author: Paul Scott Anderson
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Did you hear about this:

SpaceX Now Has Over 1,300 Starlink Satellites Orbiting Earth | IE

Though the rocket can usually still fly after losing an engine, it was unable to slow itself enough on that occasion, causing it to land in the ocean.

Date: 2021-03-24T11:20:00-05:00
Twitter: @IntEngineering
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Russia Extends Space Cooperation With U.S. Until 2030

Russia's government has extended a space cooperation agreement with the United States until 2030, one of the few remaining partnerships between Moscow and Washington amid spiraling relations.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved and signed the extension on April 3, the government said in a statement.

The original cooperation agreement, signed in 1992 and extended four times previously, laid the groundwork for wide-ranging, space-related projects and research between NASA and Roskosmos, the two countries' space agencies.

Publisher: RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
Date: AFF83BB0F77ADA2BD47CD50D350DBDC7
Author: RFE RL
Twitter: @RFERL
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The Influence Of Surface CO2 Condensation On The Evolution Of Warm And Cold Rocky Planets

Meridional heat flow for an Earth-like planet orbiting a Sun-like star at 1 AU, having an atmospheric pressure of 𝐶𝑂2 of 3.3 · 10−4 bar and obliquities 0 ◦ , 23.5 ◦ , 45◦ , and 90◦ . At low obliquities, heat is transported from the equator towards the poles, while transport in the opposite direction is favored at high enough obliquities.

The habitable zone is the region around a star where standing bodies of liquid water can be stable on a planetary surface.

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Astro Bob: New study shows satellites are making the night sky brighter | Grand Forks Herald

The number of orbiting satellites is growing exponentially. Not only do these artificial stars threaten to compromise our view of a night sky untouched by human engineering, but the light they reflect has measurably increased the brightness of that sky. As of Jan. 1, 2021 there were 3,372 operating satellites in orbit, the vast majority launched by public and private entities in the U.S.

To its credit, the company has worked with astronomers to mitigate the satellites' brightness, though with limited success. Many of them are still faintly visible with the naked eye. And if you and I can see them, imagine the nuisance they are to astronomers trying to collect the light of dim and distant galaxies. For us, they come and go, but in long time-exposure images each satellite produces a permanent streak of light.

Publisher: Grand Forks Herald
Twitter: @Grand Forks Herald
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Planet Earth Report --"The Black Hole at the Edge of Our Solar System to Blocking the Sun to

Home » Science » Planet Earth Report –“The Black Hole at the Edge of Our Solar System to Blocking the Sun to Save Earth”

Is there an ancient black hole at the edge of the solar system? –Hints of a hefty source of gravity beyond Pluto sparked the search for a possible "Planet Nine". Now, some astronomers think it could instead be a black hole from the big bang, offering a rare glimpse into the early universe, reports New Scientist.

Publisher: The Daily Galaxy
Date: 2021-04-02T16:01:06 00:00
Twitter: @dailygalaxy
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Other things going on recently:

MADAGASCAR: GES to install a hybrid solar system at the Ambokatra quarry | Afrik 21

Mobile electricity production units will soon be installed at Ambokatra, the main quarry supplying building materials in Madagascar. This is the aim of an agreement recently signed between Colas Madagascar and Green Energy Solutions (GES), a joint venture between the Axian group and the energy company GreenYellow. As part of this project, which is now underway, GES will install a power plant consisting of solar panels and two fully equipped containers.

For Christian Cachat, GES’ Managing Director, this is a “technically ambitious project, which will have a significant impact in terms of carbon savings and operating comfort. It will be the first modular industrial hybrid solar power plant that allows us to commit to a medium-term contract and whose installations can be redeployed. This is, for me, the real innovation of this project.

Publisher: Afrik 21
Date: 2021-04-02T10:34:33 00:00
Twitter: @afrik21
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Borisov comet 'most pristine' object from outer space seen in Solar System - Science & Tech -

This handout image made available on March 30, 2021 by the European Southern Observatory shows the comet 2I/Borisov passing near the Sun taken with the FORS2 instrument on ESO's Very Large Telescope in late 2019. Since the comet was travelling at breakneck speed, around 175 000 kilometres per hour, the background stars appeared as streaks of light as the telescope followed the comet's trajectory.

A newly observed interstellar comet is the most pristine visitor from outer space ever seen in our Solar System, according to a pair of studies released Tuesday detailing its unique characteristics.

Publisher: The Jakarta Post
Author: The Jakarta Post
Twitter: @jakpost
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NASA's Europa Clipper Builds Hardware, Moves Toward Assembly

NASA's Europa Clipper, depicted in this illustration that was updated in December 2020, will swoop around Jupiter on an elliptical path, dipping close to its moon Europa on each flyby to collect data.

Technicians and engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory work together on Sept. 12, 2019, to bond thermal tubing to a panel built for NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL). The tubing controls the orbiter's temperature as it travels.

Publisher: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Author: https jpl nasa gov
Twitter: @nasajpl
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been happening:

Roman Telescope Predicted to Find 100,000 Transiting Planets – Exoplanet Exploration: Planets

NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will create enormous cosmic panoramas, helping us answer questions about the evolution of our universe. Astronomers also expect the mission to find thousands of planets using two different techniques as it surveys a wide range of stars in the Milky Way.

Scheduled for launch in the mid-2020s, Roman will be one of NASA’s most prolific planet hunters.

The mission’s large field of view, exquisite resolution, and incredible stability will provide a unique observational platform for discovering the tiny changes in light required to find other worlds via microlensing . This detection method takes advantage of the gravitational light-bending effects of massive objects predicted by Einstein's general theory of relativity.

Publisher: Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our Solar System
Date: 2021-03-31 16:16:24 -0700
Author: By Claire Andreoli and Ashley Balzer Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt Md
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Interstellar visitor Borisov could be 1st truly pristine comet yet seen | Space | EarthSky

Comet 2I/Borisov is the 2nd known object to pass near our sun from outside our solar system. Its 2019 pass near our sun might have been its first-ever interaction with a star. If so, it’s among the most pristine, or unspoiled, objects yet known.

Bagnulo led a new study on Comet 2I/Borisov, published March 30, 2021, in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications .

Publisher: EarthSky
Date: 2021-04-02T07:00:07-05:00
Author: Kelly Kizer Whitt
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For the first time, scientists find X-rays coming from Uranus

The study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research on Wednesday examined two visuals of the planet taken by the Chandra Observatory in 2002 and 2017. The first observation revealed a clear detection of X-rays, and the second revealed a possible flare of X-rays on the ice giant, a planet mainly composed of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium.

But, the agency said, "there are tantalizing hints that at least one other source of X-rays is present."

Publisher: NBC News
Date: Fri Apr 02 2021 16:48:00 GMT 0000 UTC
Twitter: @NBCNews
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Making a solar water heater for the home

Q: We have a large family and use much hot water. I cannot afford to have a solar water heating system installed, but I would like to make some type of solar water heater myself. What do you suggest?

A: Heating your domestic hot water is an excellent application for solar energy. Unlike solar space heating, water heating is needed year-round. This provides a good payback, especially if you build it yourself and must only cover material costs.

Your first step is reducing the amount of hot water consumed. With a large family, much of the hot water usage is for showering. Unlike clothes or dishwashing where the amount of hot water used is set by the appliance, you can modify showering to save much hot water.

Publisher: Daily Herald
Date: 2021-04-03
Author: James Dulley
Twitter: @dailyherald
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Happening on Twitter

NASA’s Roman Mission Predicted to Find 100,000 Transiting Planets | NASA

Publisher: NASA
Date: 2021-03-23T23:11-04:00
Twitter: @11348282
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

In case you are keeping track:

Dark matter could warm the hearts of lonely old planets, scientists predict | Science | AAAS

Dark matter might be raising the temperature of planets outside our Solar System, a pair of physicists predicts. Space telescopes already in the works should be able to spot the effect, they say, potentially enabling scientists to trace how the mysterious stuff is distributed within our Milky Way Galaxy.

"In science, we rarely get a brand-new idea," says Sara Seager, a planetary scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), who was not involved in the work. "So, I think it's great to see this overlapping intersection of dark matter and exoplanets."

Publisher: Science | AAAS
Date: 2021-03-26T17:10:00-04:00
Author: Adrian Cho
Twitter: @newsfromscience
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

VIDEO: Spot the space station, moon and other planets this weekend with these several
Publisher: FOX23 News
Twitter: @FOX23
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Star Trak: Viewing planets difficult in April night skies | Outdoors |

Viewing planets during April will be limited to the evening and morning hours, with a broad stretch of nighttime lacking major planets.

Mars will be high in the western sky after sunset in April, glowing red-orange among the stars of the constellation Taurus. Compare the Red Planet's rusty color with reddish Aldebaran, the brightest star in Taurus.

After Mars sets around midnight, several hours will pass before Saturn rises shortly after 4 a.m. local time. It will stand 10 degrees high in the southeast by the start of morning twilight, but this is still quite low for good viewing because of turbulence in our atmosphere. Observing the ringed planet will be possible toward the end of the month when it will be more than 20 degrees high as twilight begins. Even at low altitude, moons of Saturn can be spotted in small telescopes.

Publisher: The Hoosier Times
Author: Hal Kibbey Special to the Hoosier Times
Twitter: @R_T_news
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

And were you following this?

Signs of a hidden Planet Nine in our solar system may be an illusion | Science News for Students

Planet Nine might be a mirage. What once looked like evidence for a massive planet hiding at the solar system's edge may be an illusion. That's the conclusion of a new study.

"We can't rule it out," says Kevin Napier of Planet Nine. He's a physicist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. "But there's not necessarily a reason to rule it in."

Previous work had suggested that a number of far-out objects in the solar system clump in the sky as if shepherded by an unseen giant planet. That planet would have to have at least 10 times the mass of Earth. Astronomers dubbed the invisible world Planet Nine or Planet X.

Publisher: Science News for Students
Date: 2021-03-31T10:30:00-04:00
Twitter: @SNStudents
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

First X-rays from Uranus Discovered | NASA
Publisher: NASA
Date: 2021-03-30T18:30-04:00
Twitter: @NASA
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Why 'The Hunt For Planet B' Is An Impossible Task—But One That's Already Changing Our World

The Webb Space Telescope near completion in a scene from The Hunt for Planet B, directed by ... [+] Nathaniel Kahn.

The Hunt for Planet B is the human story. It reveals a world of thinkers, dreamers and doers that dare to imagine what's out there on exoplanets—defined as a planet outside the Solar System—and who build machines to find out more that take entire careers to complete.

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2021-04-02
Author: Jamie Carter
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Two strange planets: Neptune and Uranus remain mysterious after new findings

Computer simulations show that water and ammonia, the main components of Uranus and Neptune, enter an unusual state at very high pressures and temperatures: a "superionic state," which has the properties of both a solid and a liquid. In this state, the hydrogen ions become mobile within the lattice structure formed by oxygen or nitrogen.

Recent experimental studies confirm that superionic water can exist at the depth where, according to theory, the stably layered region is located. It could therefore be that the stratified layer is formed by superionic components. However, it is unclear whether the components are actually able to suppress convection, since the physical properties of the superionic state are not known.

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Happening on Twitter

Friday, April 2, 2021

UFOs over Prince George an unexplained mystery | Prince George Citizen

Publisher: Prince George Citizen
Date: 9CCB455B7FDA1B44FB0E618929FC0140
Author: Ted Clarke
Twitter: @pgcitizen
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Not to change the topic exactly:

UFO report might miss deadline according to Senator | WCBD News 2

MYSTERY WIRE — One day after talking to a TMZ photographer about UFOs and the highly anticipated UAP report that is supposed to be submitted by U.S. intelligence agencies by June 1st, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) told Fox Business he is “not sure they’re gonna come in on time.”

But the clock remains ticking for the Pentagon's hush-hush program to investigate UFOs and the other intelligence agencies included in the request.

At the Pentagon, it's called the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), and it has been ordered to prepare a detailed overview of the UFO mystery for submission to Congress.

Publisher: WCBD News 2
Date: 2021-03-25T12:54:21 00:00
Author: Duncan Phenix
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

UFO report might miss deadline, senator says | Eyewitness News (WEHT/WTVW)

MYSTERY WIRE — One day after talking to a TMZ photographer about UFOs and the highly anticipated Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) report that is supposed to be submitted by U.S. intelligence agencies by June 1st, Sen. Marco Rubio told Fox Business he is “not sure they’re gonna come in on time.”

But the clock remains ticking for the Pentagon's hush-hush program to investigate UFOs and the other intelligence agencies included in the request.

Publisher: Eyewitness News (WEHT/WTVW)
Date: 2021-03-25T21:49:00 00:00
Author: Duncan Phenix and Nexstar Media Wire
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UFO sightings report to be made public - and there are a lot, ex-official says | KMPH
Publisher: KMPH
Date: 2021-03-24T07:58:54 00:00
Author: ELISSA SALAMY The National Desk
Twitter: @kmphfox26
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Here's what's been happening:

Maine is a UFO hotspot, newly declassified docs say | WGME
Publisher: WGME
Date: 2021-02-04T07:30:38 00:00
Author: Troy R Bennett BDN Staff
Twitter: @wgme
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

'Rays of sunshine:' Blumenthal points to progress on COVID, Biden presidency in Greenwich RMA talk

U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a town resident seen here at the 2019 Greenwich Democratic Town Committee's annual picnic, spoke Wednesday before the RMA covering topics like infrastructure, the filibuster and even UFOs.

U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal speaks to the Retired Men's Association of Greenwich over Zoom on Wednesday.

GREENWICH — As he reflected on the past year filled with “incredible hardship and heartbreak.” U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal on Wednesday offered an optimistic outlook for the future.

Publisher: GreenwichTime
Date: 2021-03-31 22:00:00
Author: By Ken Borsuk
Twitter: @GreenwichTime
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'Space guests': Russian cosmonaut shares video showing apparent UFOs | CTV News

TORONTO -- A Russian cosmonaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS) has shared footage of what he describes as "space guests," or UFOs, that made an unexpected appearance in a time-lapse video he captured of the southern lights.

On Wednesday, Ivan Vagner posted a one-minute video on Twitter showing the "peak" of the Aurora Australis as it moved between the Antarctic and Australia.

In a follow-up tweet , Vagner directs his audience to look closely at the nine to 12 second-mark in the video to spot the unidentified flying objects.

Publisher: CTVNews
Date: 2020-08-21T10:42:00-04:00
Twitter: @CTVNews
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UFO videos, shot by US Navy and later leaked, declassified by Pentagon

The Pentagon on Monday released three unclassified videos showing "unidentified aerial phenomena" in an attempt to "clear up any misconceptions" regarding whether the videos – which have been circulating for years – are real.

The three videos, the first of which was leaked in 2007 and discovered by the U.S. Navy in 2009, show small, flying objects. In one of the videos, a person exclaims, "What the (expletive) is that?!"

Two of the videos were recorded in January 2015, according to the Department of Defense. The other was taken in November 2004. In a statement, the Defense Department said the Navy " previously acknowledged " the videos were Navy videos.

Publisher: USA TODAY
Author: Jordan Culver and Adrianna Rodriguez
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