Saturday, March 13, 2021

Ideas for future NASA missions searching for extraterrestrial civilizations | EurekAlert!

IMAGE:  Artistic recreation of a hypothetical exoplanet with artificial lights on the night side view more 

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In the article, several ideas are presented to search for technosignatures that would indicate the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, from the most humdrum, such as the presence of industrial pollution in the atmosphere or large swarms of satellites, to hypothetical gigantic space engineering work, such as heat shields to fend off climate change, or Dyson spheres for optimum use of the light from the local star.

Publisher: EurekAlert!
Author: A researcher at the Instituto de Astrof de Canarias IAC is the lead author of a study with proposals for
Twitter: @EurekAlert
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Other things to check out:

UFOs over Utah? Elon Musk project mistaken for extraterrestrial visitors | WWLP

SALT LAKE CITY ( KTVX ) – Reports of a line of UFOs seen flying in Utah’s stormy skies started circulating around 5:30 a.m. Thursday.

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Salt Lake City sister station KTVX spoke with meteorologist Adam Carroll about what Campbell might have seen. “There was a lot of c l oud cover with the approaching storm ,” Carroll said. “We should call the Air Force first.”

There are night flying operations in the area that are going on through April , but could it have been a squadron of hight tech Air Force F-35s?

Publisher: WWLP
Date: 2021-02-12T12:47:57 00:00
Author: Tracy Smith and Nexstar Media Wire
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Missouri S&T – News and Events – Newly discovered material may ease wear and

Photo illustration of a Mars rover designed by Missouri S&T students depicting the idea of MXene superlubric sheets applied to the machine's moving parts to reduce friction and wear. Image credit: Shuohan Huang/Missouri S&T

As NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover continues to explore the surface of Mars, scientists on Earth have developed a new nanoscale metal carbide that could act as a "superlubricant" to reduce wear and tear on future rovers.

Publisher: Missouri S&T
Date: 2021-03-11T14:13:57-06:00
Author: Missouri University of Science and Technology
Twitter: @MissouriSandT
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Pandora's pandemic | Science

The Andromeda Strain's oft-invoked fictional outbreak continues to offer context for considering possible futures

Publisher: Science
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Check out this next:

A Russian rocket swap: Space News, March 2021 — Space Business — Quartz
Publisher: Quartz
Twitter: @qz
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

What will Bezos do for Blue Origin: Space News, February 2021 — Space Business — Quartz
Publisher: Quartz
Twitter: @qz
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Uncovering exotic molecules of potential astrochemical interest | EurekAlert! Science News

IMAGE:  Co-authors dr. Arunlibertsen Lawzer i dr. Thomas Custer of research demonstrate the molecules of the astrochemical interest at the Planetarium of the Copernicus Science Centre. Source: IPC PAS, Grzegorz Krzyzewski... view more 

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Looking at the night sky, one's thoughts might be drawn to astrochemistry. What molecules inhabit the vast spaces between the stars? Would we see the same molecules that surround us here on Earth? Or would some of them be more exotic--something rarely observed or even unknown? Recent research by a multinational team led by Prof.

Publisher: EurekAlert!
Date: 2021-03-11 05:00:00 GMT/UTC
Twitter: @EurekAlert
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Scientists Are Searching Space for Extraterrestrial Viruses - The Wire Science

A transmission electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Photo: NIAID CC BY 2.0.

Recent NASA-sponsored astrovirology workshops amass interest from scientists spanning borders and levels of experiences, says Kathryn Bywaters, a scientist with the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) at NASA Ames Research Centre. "It created a forum where people could express these ideas that they haven't really been able to vocalise on the community level."

Publisher: The Wire Science
Date: 2020-09-10T09:29:33 00:00
Twitter: @TheWireScience
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Happening on Twitter

Mysterious UFO above Phoenix remains a mystery 24 years later |

PHOENIX — A stunning sight across the Arizona sky delighted, and maybe frightened hundreds if not thousands of people on March 13, 1997.

Shining above the sky were bright lights in a V-shape – maybe a massive ship that was miles wide – right over Phoenix.

Fast forward 24 years, and we still don't know what the Phoenix Lights were, but now a lot more people are taking them – and UFOs – seriously.

Dr. Lynne Kitei watched the Phoenix Lights arrive, and she's one of the few people with photographs of them.

Date: 3/13/2021 5:20:29 AM
Twitter: @ABC10
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Other things to check out:

WKRG | Stimulus checks and UFO's among top stories for March 10

MOBILE COUNTY, Ala. (WKRG) — You all remember the movie ‘Weekend at Bernies’, right? That is what comes to mind when I saw the headline for one of the top stories on

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MOBILE, Ala. (WKRG) -- A lot of new tech comes with firmware updates where the technology in a phone or computer can be updated simply by using the internet.

In the latest update from Apple, IOS14, there's a little green or orange dot that will randomly appear on your screen.

Publisher: WKRG News 5
Date: 2021-03-11T01:20:28 00:00
Author: Kimber Collins
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What flies in the in the air, zips through the ocean, and splits in two?

MYSTERY WIRE — What kind of aircraft can travel, not only through the atmosphere, but also through water at high speeds? Scientists who've analyzed thermal images of a flying object recorded in Puerto Rico are trying to figure out what could have done this.

A team of analysts working with the SCU, the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies , a private group of scientists, military analysts, and investigators produced a report analyzing the incident .

Publisher: WJBF
Date: 2021-02-12T15:18:20 00:00
Author: Duncan Phenix and George Knapp
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Known to many as a UFO cult – The Raëlians return to the spotlight in new documentary |

The Raëlians call themselves an organization, but are often referred to as a cult, or even a space alien cult. According to the president of the North American Raëlians there are around 130,000 members in more than 80 countries. The Raëlians are now the subject of the new documentary on VICE called The Prophet and the Space Aliens .

In the video below from December 12, 2008, George Knapp explains who the Raëlians are and reports on an incident at McCarran International Airport.

Publisher: KLBK | KAMC |
Date: 2021-03-03T17:01:37 00:00
Author: Duncan Phenix and George Knapp
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Quite a lot has been going on:

'The Phenomenon' review: A new documentary updates the UFO debate through recent Pentagon

(CNN) The fascination with UFOs is hardly new, but revelations in the last few years have renewed interest in and speculation about the topic. Enter "The Phenomenon," an earnest documentary most notable for the former officials that lend credence to the notion the government knows much more than it has shared, and that the truth, well, is out there.

Publisher: CNN
Date: 2020-10-06T13:49:35Z
Author: Review by Brian Lowry CNN
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An investigation into Baker Mayfield’s UFO encounter -

Almost 100%, Em and I just saw a UFO drop straight out of the sky on our way home from dinner... we stopped and looked at each other and asked if either of us saw it... Very bright ball of light going straight down out of the sky towards Lake Travis. Anybody else witness this?

Teams don't normally want their star quarterbacks to be distracted during the offseason, but I've got to think there's an exception to be made for an alien encounter. The real question is: Why did aliens visit Baker Mayfield? And I think I have the answer.

Date: 2021-03-04T10:55:30-05:00
Author: James Dator
Twitter: @SBNation
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This may worth something:

Jose Canseco has plenty to say about A-Rod and J-Lo

Because humility has never been his strong suit, Canseco savored his victory lap, dunking on A-Rod in a series of scathing tweets while also touting his own prognosticating abilities.

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I guarantee you that Alex Rodriguez will be tried to get ahold of my ex wife Jessica very soon if he has not done it by now

Aliens find us To be a minimal threat because we have not learned how to Time travel by folding time

Date: 2021-03-13T12:04:33.567-05:00
Author: Jesse Pantuosco
Twitter: @radiodotcom
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'There's something out there!

Last week, the Pentagon released three videos captured by infrared cameras on U.S. Navy jets that seem to show mysterious "aerial phenomena".

Recorded during training flights in 2004 and 2015, they show unidentified flying objects moving so quickly that they amaze the pilots watching them.

The videos had previously been leaked and acknowledged as real by the Navy and reported on by media outlets, but they have now been declassified to clarify that they are real.

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SETI@home's crowdsourced search for aliens ending after 21 years - CNN

(CNN) Scientists at the University of California Berkeley's SETI@home project say they'll stop sending new work to the network of volunteers, who've been using their computers to search for aliens since 1999.

Thanks to the many volunteers who have helped crunch data for SETI@home in the last two decades. On March 31, the project will stop sending out new work to users, but this is not the end of public engagement in SETI research.

Publisher: CNN
Date: 2020-03-05T17:49:51Z
Author: David Williams CNN
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Were you following this:

Navy confirms videos did capture UFO sightings, but it calls them by another name

Three videos posted online that have been described as being related to UFO sightings do indeed include footage of "unidentified aerial phenomena," a U.S. Navy spokesman confirmed.

But as for specifics, spokesman Joseph Gradisher said the Navy doesn't know exactly what the objects are.

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The website The Black Vault last week first reported the Navy's "unidentified aerial phenomena" designation and said the three videos are commonly known as "FLIR1," "Gimbal" and "GoFast."

Publisher: NBC News
Date: Thu Sep 19 2019 08:48:00 GMT 0000 UTC
Twitter: @NBCNews
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Find a Good Time—and Maybe Aliens—in Roswell | Houstonia Magazine

R oswell , New Mexico, is a great trip if you want that out-of-this-world vacation without the hassle of kitting out your RV for spaceflight every time you want to leave the Milky Way Galaxy. Just a 10-hour drive from Houston, this desert town promises a unique getaway unlike any other—on this planet, at least.

The city had been around since the mid-19th century, but it only got its claim to fame in 1947, when a UFO allegedly crash-landed nearby in what became known as the "Roswell Incident." While the truth is still out there, the town has embraced its notoriety with enthusiasm; from the one-of-a-kind, UFO-centric McDonald's to alien-themed playgrounds and buses, aliens are everywhere in Roswell.

Publisher: Houstonia Magazine
Date: 2020-12-02 14:34:33 -0600
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Happening on Twitter

The Mars mission and the future of commercial space travel - WHYY

WHYY's Radio Times is an engaging and timely call-in program that tackles wide-ranging issues of concern to listeners in the Delaware Valley.

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It was the first splashdown by U.S. astronauts in 45 years, with the first commercially built and operated spacecraft to carry people to and from orbit.

NASA's Perseverance rode a mighty Atlas V rocket into a clear morning sky in the world's third and final Mars launch of the summer.

Publisher: WHYY
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Check out this next:

Seeds of local tree that traveled to moon will be planted locally in Apollo 14 capsule | WJAC
Publisher: WJAC
Date: 2021-03-12T17:24:41 00:00
Author: Gary Sinderson
Twitter: @wjactv
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How is the Entertainment Industry Helping to Spark People's Interest in Space Travel?

What was once considered to be a topic of science fiction is now a reality. Humanity is expanding its frontier and venturing into space with more frequency than ever before. There are numerous exciting missions taking place at the moment, with the arrival of the Perseverance Rover on Mars representing a landmark event in NASA's history.

In the next fifty years, there are going to be countless missions, all of which will outdo the one that came before it. For this reason, the need to spark people's interest in space has never been greater. One of the best ways to do this is through the entertainment industry.

Publisher: Space Coast Daily
Date: 2021-03-10T05:02:32Z
Twitter: @spacecoastdaily
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Planetary pact: China and Russia to launch lunar space station | Science and Technology News | Al

Tianwen-1 entered the orbit after almost a seven-month journey, hoping to explore the planet over 90 days.

Starship rocket SN10 blows up eight minutes after appearing to nail landing, the third prototype to be destroyed.

China's space agency releases video footage two days after its Mars probe successfully entered the red planet's orbit.

Military powers around the world are taking conflict technology to the next frontier – outer space.

Author: data reactroot
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This may worth something:

First space hotel for travelers to begin construction by 2026 - The Washington Post

While the concept of space tourism may sound ludicrous, plans to launch people into space as a vacation vs. a vocation are well underway .

Orbital Assembly , a large space construction company, announced this year in a virtual event on its YouTube channel that it was on track to begin construction on the world's (er, galaxy's) first space hotel by 2026, Interesting Engineering reported .

"It's going to happen fast when it starts," Blincow said. "And we believe it's going to happen a lot, too, even before we finish the first one. We have buyers for other stations because they're very, very lucrative."

Publisher: Washington Post
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A Look at the First Hotel in Space Coming in 2027 - Space Hotel Photos Travel Voyage Station

The Orbital Assembly Corporation has announced plans to begin construction of what will be the first space hotel , which is set to open in 2027. In addition to being designed for the most comfortable accommodations, the hotel named the Voyager Station will also be the place for restaurants, cinemas, and spas.

Based on its first renderings, the hotel will look almost like a ferris wheel floating in orbit with an outer ring connected to the center of the structure via elevators. Although the number of rooms have not yet been confirmed, the Washington Pos t  reports that the hotel will have a capacity of up to 280 guests and 112 crew members—all of whom must undergo training for space.

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Going interstellar with a sun-skirting probe | Hub

How's this for a paradox: In order to go farther from the sun than we've ever gone before, first we must go closer to the sun than ever before. That's the counterintuitive concept at the heart of the Interstellar Probe mission in development at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, in collaboration with NASA . The mission's primary goal is to explore the far-off region where our sun's influence wanes and interstellar space begins.

Spearheading a way to accomplish this feat is Jason Benkoski, a materials scientist at APL. His team plans to attempt the first-ever solar Oberth maneuver , which involves flinging a spacecraft tightly around the sun and firing a thruster, allowing the star's gravitational pull to accelerate the craft to tremendous velocities.

Publisher: The Hub
Date: 2021-03-12T11:50:17-05:00
Twitter: @743066030
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Happening on Twitter

Friday, March 12, 2021

Mapping Máaz: NASA Uses Navajo Language to Name Features on Mars : NPR

This rock, called "Máaz" (the Navajo word for "Mars"), is the first feature of scientific interest to be studied by NASA's Perseverance Mars rover. NASA/JPL-Caltech hide caption

But like anywhere new and remote, it's easy to get turned around on Mars. The landscape is vast and features can look really similar to one another, so the teams of scientists working on the mission needed to get on the same page about what is where.

That's where the Navajo language comes in. Although the International Astronomical Union assigns the official names for planetary features, surface mission teams use nicknames for smaller landmarks . The Perseverance team turned a Navajo engineer on the team, Aaron Yazzie of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, to get permission from the Navajo Nation to use their language to name some points of interest.

Date: 2021-03-12
Twitter: @NPR
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In case you are keeping track:

NASA is naming the rocks and soil on Mars in the Navajo language - CNN
Publisher: CNN
Date: 2021-03-12T13:23:42Z
Author: Mallika Kallingal CNN
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NASA's Perseverance Drives on the Mars Surface for the First Time | WOWK 13 News

(NASA/WOWK) – NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover performed its first drive on Mars March 4, covering 21.3 feet across the Martian landscape. The drive served as a mobility test that marks just one of many milestones as team members check out and calibrate every system, subsystem, and instrument on Perseverance. Once the rover begins pursuing its science goals , regular commutes extending 656 feet or more are expected.

"When it comes to wheeled vehicles on other planets, there are few first-time events that measure up in significance to that of the first drive," said Anais Zarifian, Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mobility test bed engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. "This was our first chance to 'kick the tires' and take Perseverance out for a spin. The rover's six-wheel drive responded superbly.

Publisher: WOWK 13 News
Date: 2021-03-12T10:53:30 00:00
Author: Bryan Hughes and NASA
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NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover Mission Honors Navajo Language

Canyon de Chelly National Monument ("Tséyi'" in Navajo) in Arizona is located on Navajo Nation land. Members of NASA's Perseverance rover team, in collaboration with the Navajo Nation, has been naming features of scientific interest with words in the Navajo language. Larger view

This rock, called "Máaz" (the Navajo word for "Mars"), is the first feature of scientific interest to be studied by NASA's Perseverance Mars rover. Larger view

The first scientific focus of NASA's Perseverance rover is a rock named "Máaz" – the Navajo word for "Mars." The rover's team, in collaboration with the Navajo Nation Office of the President and Vice President, has been naming features of scientific interest with words in the Navajo language.

Publisher: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Author: https jpl nasa gov
Twitter: @nasajpl
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Were you following this:

Perseverance Rover's SuperCam Science Instrument Delivers First Results – NASA's Mars Exploration

SuperCam Close-Up of ‘Yeehgo’ (‘Yéigo’) Target : Combining two images, this mosaic shows a close-up view of the rock target named “Yeehgo” from the SuperCam instrument on NASA’s Perseverance rover on Mars. The component images were taken by SuperCam’s Remote Micro-Imager (RMI). To be compatible with the rover’s software, “Yeehgo” is an alternative spelling of “Yéigo,” the Navajo word for diligent.

Data from the powerful science tool includes sounds of its laser zapping a rock in order to test what it’s made of.

Publisher: NASA's Mars Exploration Program
Date: 2021-03-11 00:24:35 UTC
Author: mars nasa gov
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The Space Dust That Causes Zodiacal Light Might Come from Mars - Eos

Just before sunrise or after sunset, observers of the night sky might behold a faint column of light extending upward from the horizon. Known as zodiacal light , this celestial glow results from sunlight reflecting off dust particles in the inner solar system. However, the source of the dust is unknown.

Many scientists have long assumed that the particles responsible for zodiacal light are delivered by comets and asteroids. Now Jorgensen et al . suggest that the origins of this interplanetary dust are instead associated with Mars.

Publisher: Eos
Date: 2021-03-12T13:43:51 00:00
Twitter: @AGU_Eos
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The Perseverance rover has recorded the 1st laser sound on Mars. It's a 'snap!' not a 'pew!

NASA's Perseverance rover has begun using its rock-zapping SuperCam instrument on the Red Planet, mission team members announced today (March 10). SuperCam is equipped with a microphone, which has picked up the gentle whoosh of the Martian wind as well as the not-so-gentle snaps generated by the laser when it hits a rock target.

"In the SuperCam team, we're extremely excited about the perspectives and the scientific investigations that we're going to be able to do with the microphone data," Murdoch said.

Date: 2021-03-10T20:16:59 00:00
Author: https www facebook com spacecom
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
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Perseverance rover sends back sounds of zapping rocks on Mars - CNN

(CNN) The Perseverance rover is sending back the sounds of Mars -- and it's contributing to the soundtrack.

Publisher: CNN
Date: 2021-03-11T19:19:16Z
Author: Ashley Strickland CNN
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Happening on Twitter

Gigantic Jet Spied from Black Hole in Early Universe | NASA

Publisher: NASA
Date: 2021-03-09T10:25-05:00
Twitter: @NASA
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And here's another article:

Massive stars in the early universe may have been progenitors of super-massive black holes

Assistant Research Fellow, Ke-Jung Chen from ASIAA Taiwan proposed a relativistic instability supernova from a primordial supermassive star (10 4 –10 5 solar masses) in his 2014 research paper . "There may be a small number of the first stars in the early universe with tens of thousands of solar masses . They are likely to be the progenitors of supermassive black holes in galaxies.

But how to prove these massive stars once existed? This is an observational challenge, because most of these supermassive stars are to collapse into black holes. Based on the supernova model proposed by Chen, the research team performed a new radiation transport simulation and found that the upcoming JWST mission has a chance to observe this supernova!

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What's the Connection Between Stellar-Mass Black Holes and Dark Matter? - Universe Today

Imagine you are a neutron star. You’re happily floating in space, too old to fuse nuclei in your core anymore, but the quantum pressure of your neutrons and quarks easily keeps you from collapsing under your own weight. You look forward to a long stellar retirement of gradually cooling down. Then one day you are struck by a tiny black hole. This black hole only has the mass of an asteroid, but it causes you to become unstable.

According to new research published in Physical Review Letters , this scenario might happen from time to time, and it could explain dark matter and the smallest black hole we’ve observed.

Publisher: Universe Today
Date: 2021-03-11T09:52:07-05:00
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Astronomers detect a black hole on the move | EurekAlert! Science News

IMAGE:  Galaxy J0437+2456 is thought to be home to a supermassive, moving black hole. view more 

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Scientists have long theorized that supermassive black holes can wander through space--but catching them in the act has proven difficult.

Now, researchers at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian have identified the clearest case to date of a supermassive black hole in motion. Their results are published today in the Astrophysical Journal .

Publisher: EurekAlert!
Date: 2021-03-12 05:00:00 GMT/UTC
Twitter: @EurekAlert
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In case you are keeping track:

Scientists created a black hole to prove Hawking radiation

Black holes often venture into that realm. With these collapsed stars — at least most of them are — being impossible to fly a spacecraft into (unless you never want to see it again), one physicist decided that the best way to get up close to them was under a literal microscope. Jeff Steinhauer wanted to know whether black holes radiate particles like the late Stephen Hawking theorized they would.

"We have to understand how we see the Hawking radiation sound waves falling in and coming out," Steinhauer, who co-authored a study recently published in Nature Physics , told SYFY WIRE. "They should be very slight. Seeing this radiation from a real black hole is too weak and would be totally overpowered by other sources of radiation, which is why we want to see it in an analog system."

Publisher: SYFY WIRE
Date: 2021-03-12T12:01:47-05:00
Author: Elizabeth Rayne
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NASA finds proof of particle jet coming from black hole
Publisher: New York Post
Date: 2021-03-11T19:42:54 00:00
Twitter: @nypost
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Astronomers Discover Evidence For Long Jet of Particles Coming From A Supermassive Black Hole!

NASA recently revealed that astronomers have discovered evidence for an extraordinarily long jet of particles coming from a supermassive black hole in the early universe with the help of NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory.

The source of this jet is a quasar i.e. a rapidly growing supermassive black hole – named PSO J352.4034-15.3373 (PJ352-15 for short) located at the centre of a young galaxy.

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The image of this jet has been shared by NASA on its official NASA Chandra X-ray Instagram page. The caption for the image states that "the source of this 160,000-light-year-long jet is a rapidly growing supermassive #BlackHole, or quasar, located about 12.7 billion light years away from Earth. ⁣X-rays detected from the jet were emitted when the #Universe was only 0.98 billion years old — less than 1/10 of the Universe's present age.

Publisher: Mashable India
Date: 2021-03-11T12:51:35.289873 00:00
Twitter: @MashableIndia
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New Clues About Early Universe From Black Hole Powered Cosmic Jet 13 Billion Light-Years From

Artist’s conception of the distant quasar P172+18, with its jets of particles propelled outward at nearly the speed of light. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser

The studies indicate that the quasar — a galaxy harboring a black hole 300 million times more massive than the Sun — has a jet of fast-moving particles only about 1,000 years old. While other quasars have been found at its distance and beyond, it is the first found at such a distance with the strong radio emission indicating an active jet. Only a small fraction of quasars have such jets.

Publisher: SciTechDaily
Date: 2021-03-10T10:38:05-08:00
Author: Mike O
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Happening on Twitter

China and Russia will build space station on moon together, snubbing NASA | TheHill

Leaders from both countries' space programs earlier this week signed an agreement for the joint construction of what they call the International Scientific Lunar Station: a complex of experimental research facilities located on the surface or orbit of the moon.

America is changing faster than ever! Add Changing America to your Facebook or Twitter feed to stay on top of the news.

A memorandum of understanding on the project was signed by Dmitry Rogozin , general director of Russia's Roscosmos State Corporation, and Zhang Kejian , head of China's National Space Administration on Tuesday.

Publisher: TheHill
Date: 2021-03-12T11:21:04-05:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Other things to check out:

New Moon March 2021: How To Embrace The Moon In Pisces

The 2021 Pisces new moon marks the beginning of a poetic, romantic, and inspired cycle that culminates with the full moon on September 20, 2021. Read on for ways this lunar lift in enchanting Pisces, the watery sign of the fish, can bring divine guidance:

So, you've given your closets and drawers the style-blogger treatment. Now, how about your psyche? As the 12th and final sign of the zodiac, Pisces energy can hold a lot of baggage, and not just the physical kind.

Publisher: mindbodygreen
Date: 2021-03-12T13:09:00.000Z
Author: https www facebook com AstroTwins
Twitter: @mindbodygreen
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Washington University to develop sensor to look for water beneath Moon's surface

ST. LOUIS, MO – NASA has selected Washington University scientists to build a rover-mounted drill sensor that will calculate the distribution of water at the moon's south pole . A laser probe, capable of analyzing dust, broken rocks, and other materials, would determine the amount of water and other chemicals present beneath the surface.

Alian Wang , research professor of earth and planetary sciences in Arts & Sciences, will lead the research and development team.

Publisher: FOX 2
Date: 2021-03-11T22:10:39 00:00
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China and Russia Agree to Explore the Moon Together - The New York Times

China and Russia have agreed to jointly build a research station on or around the moon, setting the stage for a new space race.

The joint announcement by China and Russia on Tuesday has the potential to scramble the geopolitics of space exploration, once again setting up competing programs and goals for the scientific and, potentially, commercial exploitation of the moon. This time, though, the main players will be the United States and China, with Russia as a supporting player.

Date: 2021-03-10T13:23:16.000Z
Twitter: @nytimes
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This may worth something:

What March 2021's New Moon In Pisces Will Bring | Shape

On the brink of spring, a romantic new moon in Pisces offers an opportunity to let your imagination take the reins.

As daylight savings time and the first day of spring swiftly approaches, you could find yourself daydreaming about sweeter, warmer, even fun-filled days ahead. And that would fit perfectly well with the planetary vibes this week, which are designed for getting caught up in romance, creativity, and all things pleasure-filled.

On Saturday, March 13 at 5:21 a.m. ET/2:21 a.m. PT exactly, a new moon will fall in mutable water sign Pisces. Here's what it means and how you can make the most of this dreamy, sexy, imagination-bolstering astrological event.

Publisher: Shape
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Trump's Moon program survived a transfer of power, so what's next? - The Verge

The Trump administration's Moon-to-Mars program has already dodged the fate of many past presidential space programs: cancellation under new leadership. Last month, White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced the Biden administration's support for Artemis, NASA's flagship lunar agenda.

It was a rare passing of the baton between two administrations at odds with one another in virtually every other area. And it quelled some industry fears that Biden would shelve the moonshot plan entirely. While still in its infancy, the Artemis program unleashed a wave of industry momentum, partially thanks to an energizing, yet wildly unrealistic target date of 2024 for planting boots on the Moon.

Publisher: The Verge
Date: 2021-03-12T08:58:00-05:00
Author: Joey Roulette
Twitter: @verge
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Let's learn about the moon | Science News for Students

As the moon orbits the Earth, it passes through different phases . They are the result of sunlight reflecting off the moon, and where the moon is in relation to the Earth. During a full moon, we see one entire half of the moon lit by the sun because the Earth is between the moon and the sun. During the new moon, none of the moon is visible and the sky is exceptionally dark. That's because the moon is between the Earth and the sun, and only the dark side of the moon faces our planet .

Publisher: Science News for Students
Date: 2021-03-09T11:30:00-05:00
Twitter: @SNStudents
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Mike Moon to Assist with Irish Defensive Line

Mike Moon will work with Mike Elston as Notre Dame’s defensive line assistant instructing the Irish front.

Moon, a 2017 graduate of Hawaii, joins the Irish after accepting a position in February as the defensive line coach at Division II Fairmont State.

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Moon’s first college coaching opportunity came at Hawaii where he served as the football video coordinator for three seasons.

In 2017, Moon joined Old Dominion of Conference USA where he served as defensive quality control at linebacker. Over the next two seasons, he was the Monarchs’ defensive line graduate assistant. Old Dominion did not play football in 2020.

Twitter: @timprister
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