Saturday, March 28, 2020

Streams of Starlink satellites reported as UFOS, and it will happen again | KLAS - 8 News Now

Frank Gonzales told Albuquerque’s KRQE News 13 what he saw earlier this week: "There were lights going across the whole sky . And at first, I'd seen them coming from a bright light over there, and then I started counting them, and I counted like 30."

Aliens. I thought it was UFOs, I really did. I've never seen nothing like it. I thought it was UFOs.

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An experiment that was part of the Jan. 6 SpaceX launch attempted to “mask” satellites so they didn’t appear so bright in the night sky, but that technology is intended to be used when the satellites reach their final orbit — not when they initially stream through the sky soon after launch.

Publisher: KLAS - 8 News Now
Date: 2020-01-17T19:28:52 00:00
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And here's another article:

NASA reacts to UFO sighting in STEREO mission, what caused the anomaly?

Conspiracy theorists and alien enthusiasts were all in a state of ecstasy a few days back as a strange object, seemingly resembling a UFO, was spotted from NASA's STEREO mission feed. The video soon went viral, and conspiracy theorists outlandishly started claiming that aliens have visited the solar system. Interestingly, the object spotted shared eerie similarities with the alien flying ships depicted in Hollywood sci-fi flicks.

Publisher: International Business Times, Singapore Edition
Date: 2020-03-25T19:56:42 08:00
Author: Nirmal Narayanan
Twitter: @IBTimesSG
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Empathy Machine: Humans Communicate Better after Robots Show Their Vulnerable Side - Scientific

The researchers monitored how group members’ communication differed depending on which type of robot was on each team. They found that people working with robots that showed vulnerability spent more time talking with their fellow humans than did those in the control groups. Subjects with vulnerable robots also divided their conversation more equally between each human member of the team.

Farshid Amirabdollahian, a professor of human-robot interaction at the University of Hertfordshire in England, who was not involved with this study, says the research provides more evidence that “social behavior engineering for robots can affect their utility and influences on others.” In other words, by changing the actions of intelligent machines, developers can alter the behavior of the people who interact with those machines.

Publisher: Scientific American
Author: Jillian Kramer
Twitter: @sciam
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Were you following this:

Bring in the Robot Cleaners: Travel Industry Innovations for the Pandemic - The New York Times

While most hotels that remain open after the outbreak of Covid-19 are stepping up cleaning routines, the Westin Houston Medical Center in Houston, Texas, is going beyond Lysol and bleach. In addition to standard cleaning protocols, it says it is the first to deploy two newly acquired robots to sanitize rooms and common areas.

Other hygienic practices that the new hotel — which handles, among other guests, patients seeking medical treatment at the Texas Medical Center — include removing nonessential items like decorative pillows and magazines, and disinfecting the TV remote control and placing it in a sealed plastic bag.

Date: 2020-03-28T09:00:14.000Z
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These friendly robots could protect doctors from coronavirus

It’s counterintuitive, in a way. If robots look too similar to humans, we feel uneasy. This is due to a phenomenon called the “ Uncanny Valley ,” first coined by roboticist Masahiro Mori in 1970. Basically, we find robots more approachable the more human-like they appear, but only up to a point. Then we start to have negative responses.

Cui and his team accomplished this in a few key ways. First, they made Cloud Ginger appear emotional and relatable. They used “simple, cute, and cartoon design elements” like oversized eyes and a rounded smile to mask its cold, technical interior, which houses all the visual and sensory tech that a robot needs to operate. (Though those completely black eyes do creep me out a bit.

Publisher: Fast Company
Date: 2020-03-26T10:30:26
Author: Lilly Smith
Twitter: @fastcompany
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Covid-19 health-care crisis could drive new developments in robotics, editorial says - The

The covid-19 pandemic is pushing human bodies — and human ingenuity — to their limits. As patients flood emergency departments and health-care workers struggle to respond, an international group of robotic experts is making a case for some electronic intervention.

In an editorial in the journal Science Robotics, they argue that covid-19 could drive new developments in robotics — and that the devices could help with more effective diagnosis, screening and patient care.

Publisher: Washington Post
Date: 2020-03-28T12:04:12.217Z
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

The Covid-19 Pandemic Is a Crisis That Robots Were Built For | WIRED

Perhaps "people start to reflect that for situations such as this, how robots can be used not only to help with social distancing, but also for increasing social interaction," said Guang-Zhong Yang, founding editor of the journal, during a press conference.

Additionally, robots could enable a form of telemedicine that would keep humans out of areas of contagion. "Covid-19 could be a catalyst for developing robotic systems that can be rapidly deployed with remote access by experts and essential service providers without the need of traveling to front lines," they wrote.

Publisher: Wired
Author: Matt Simon
Twitter: @wired
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Robots enlisted to fight the coronavirus in China, the US, and Europe - Business Insider

Take a look at some of the clever ways robots are used around the world to slow the spread of the coronavirus and help healthcare workers.

Get the latest coronavirus analysis and research from Business Insider Intelligence on how COVID-19 is impacting businesses.

Publisher: Business Insider
Date: 2020-03-24
Author: Mary Meisenzahl
Twitter: @sai
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How robots can help combat COVID-19 -- ScienceDaily

Can robots be effective tools in combating the COVID-19 pandemic? A group of leaders in the field of robotics, including Henrik Christensen, director of UC San Diego's Contextual Robotics Institute, say yes, and outline a number of examples in an editorial in the March 25 issue of Science Robotics .

"Already, we have seen robots being deployed for disinfection, delivering medications and food, measuring vital signs, and assisting border controls," the researchers write.

Publisher: ScienceDaily
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Coronavirus: Robot doctor could help with future outbreak - BBC News

Artificial intelligence and robotics experts in Edinburgh are working to create what they hope will be the first healthcare robots to hold a conversation with more than one person at a time.

It is a project designed to help older people, but it could one day be used to help handle virus outbreaks like the coronavirus pandemic.

"It's not something we had actually considered while designing the project," says Heriot-Watt's professor of computer science Oliver Lemon.

Publisher: BBC News
Author: https www facebook com bbcnews
Twitter: @BBCWorld
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Happening on Twitter

Scientists find extraterrestrial superconductivity in meteorites

Scientists at UC San Diego and the Brookhaven Laboratory in New York have discovered superconductivity in meteorites.

After analyzing 15 pieces of comets and asteroids the researchers found two meteorites with superconductive grains, dubbed "Mundrabilla" and "GRA 95205." This is the first time that extraterrestrial superconductive grains have been identified.

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Meteorites have a wide range of "material phases" from the oldest states of the solar system, researchers say. In a statement, naturally occurring superconductive materials are described by UC San Diego researcher James Wampler as unusual, but significant because they could be superconducting in extraterrestrial environments.

Publisher: New York Post
Date: 2020-03-25T17:30:53 00:00
Twitter: @nypost
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Quite a lot has been going on:

Superconductors from outer space

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Researchers used a highly sensitive technique to examine 16 samples from two different meteorites, one formed in the iron core of an asteroid and one flung off a planet's surface by a collision. They had reported at a meeting of the American Physical Society in 2018 that there were signs of superconductivity in these bodies, but now they've dug into the samples and used multiple techniques to identify which materials are responsible.

Publisher: Chemical & Engineering News
Twitter: @cenmag
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Actually, the Spartans Weren’t All That Great | WIRED

Sci-fi author Myke Cole recently turned his hand to military history with his 2018 book Legion Versus Phalanx . In a follow-up volume, The Bronze Lie , he takes a skeptical look at the myth of ancient Sparta.

“I analyze Sparta’s complete military record, and prove that they were not the super-warriors that they’re reputed to be, and that most people believe they were based on Frank Miller’s hit comic 300 , which was then made into an even bigger movie by Zack Snyder ,” Cole says in Episode 407 of the Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast.

Publisher: WIRED
Author: Geek Guide to the Galaxy
Twitter: @wired
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Happening on Twitter

Can you explain mysterious UFO sighting in Leighton Buzzard? | Leighton Buzzard Observer

Jasmine Ratore, 12, and her cousin Amelia Taylor, 11, were walking along Mill Road at 5.20pm on March 6 when they saw four strange diamonds floating in the sky which had halos around them.

The strange objects were there for around five to ten minutes, with the girls trying to work out what on earth - or rather not on earth - they could be!

Jasmine told the LBO: "I was walking down the road to my nan's house. I thought they were birds. I said to my cousin: 'They're not birds are they? They're quite slow?'

Twitter: @LBOnews
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Not to change the topic here:

UFO Festival moves landing date to August | KGBT
Publisher: KGBT
Date: 2020-03-13T13:37:30 00:00
Author: Paola Cepeda
Twitter: @
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UFOs are knitters’ unfinished objects - News - Uticaod - Utica, NY

Mary was back with us today. She has been really busy with her family. She is crocheting granny squares by adding rows to some she received as a UFO. Hereafter you will know that the initials mean “unfinished object.” Mary is finishing them off. She also brought in three crocheted hats done almost so they look like turbans from the 20s.

Jan has gone back to working on her soft color variegated shrug. She is ready to finish it so she can wear it. Bonnie is working on her loom this time making a scarf in a soft peach yarn. It reminds me that spring is on its way and can't get here soon enough.

Publisher: Uticaod
Date: 7E15F9269E2CE66F2A488ABB04B5015E
Author: Barbara J Schwarting
Twitter: @uticaOD
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Strings of lights seen in night sky over Cowichan Valley – Sooke News Mirror

A number of people in the Cowichan Valley claim to have spotted some unusual lights in the night sky last week.

Cowichan Bay’s Jim Quayle said on the night of March 17 at approximately 9 p.m, he saw a line of lights all travelling at the same speed and direction, from north west to south east, from the deck of his home which overlooks the community’s government wharf.

“They were as bright as an average star, and I thought they looked like a series of aircraft all spaced equally apart and travelling at about 30,000 or 40,000 feet in the air,” he said.

Publisher: Sooke News Mirror
Date: 2020-03-24T12:27:00-07:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Happening on Twitter

Friday, March 27, 2020

Photos: 10 places to spot UFOs, as selected by the creator of 'Project Blue Book' - The Columbus

Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

US Navy confirms videos show unidentified aerial phenomena, not aliens - Business Insider

On Wednesday, Joseph Gradisher, the Navy's spokesman for the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, confirmed that his organization designated "the objects contained in these videos as unidentified aerial phenomena."

The term UAP has been widely adopted by government officials in place of UFO, or "unidentified flying object."

John Greenwald, curator of The Black Vault, told Vice that he "very much expected that when the US military addressed the videos, they would coincide with language we see on official documents that have now been released, and they would label them as 'drones' or 'balloons.'"

Publisher: Business Insider
Author: Aylin Woodward Dave Mosher
Twitter: @SciInsider
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

David Collings obituary | Stage | The Guardian

At the Open Air theatre in Regent's Park he was a genuinely funny Polonius opposite newcomer Damian Lewis's firebrand Hamlet in 1994, directed by Tim Pigott-Smith; he had first played a tetchy but benignly well-meaning Polonius for an RSC touring production with Philip Franks in 1987.

Collings was a fine featured, red-haired actor with sensitive blue eyes who was equally good at playing neurotic and sweet-natured characters. On television he also ran a good line in eminent characters from history: Percy Grainger in Ken Russell's Song of Summer (1968), Sir Anthony Babington in Elizabeth R (1971), John Ruskin in The Love School (1975), William Wilberforce in The Fight Against Slavery (1975) and William Pitt in Prince Regent (1979).

Publisher: the Guardian
Date: 2020-03-26T11:00:54.000Z
Author: Michael Coveney
Twitter: @guardian
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

As 'Project Blue Book' returns, History channel's UFO content blossoms | Fortune
Publisher: Fortune
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Happening on Twitter

Anemia in Space: Implications for Space Travel and Tourism - Hematology Advisor

Space anemia poses a significant risk to deconditioning, and should be considered as space tourism becomes more popular and available, according to a paper published in the American Journal of Hematology . 1

For this study, the authors evaluated data recorded in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center's system, which contains records for all astronauts since the program's inception, to determine any causal relationship between space travel and changes in Hb concentrations.

Publisher: Hematology Advisor
Date: 2020-03-27T14:45:40-04:00
Twitter: @HematologyAdv
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This may worth something:

Air Force suspends most Space-A travel

The suspension was put into effect Saturday in order to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. It will remain in place through May 11, the release said.

Officials are making exceptions for certain Category I, IV, and VI travelers, which includes exemptions for service members and dependents on emergency leave and Wounded Warriors.

"However, travel via Space-Available is never guaranteed and, as always, travel is available only on a space-available basis," the release reads.

Publisher: Air Force Times
Date: 2020-03-23T09:00:28.980Z
Author: Kyle Rempfer
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Space news: Manned space travel from Britain in two years says UKSpace chief | Science | News |

Will Whitehorn argued there are massive commercial opportunities to Britain becoming a “real spacefaring nation”. The UK Space Agency, a Government body, wants Britain to hold 10 percent of the global space economy by 2030.

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Funding has already been provided to establish Spaceport Cornwall, which plans to launch satellites into space via Richard Branson’s Virgin Orbit, with proposals from two Scottish sites also being considered.

Date: 2020-03-25T06:47:00 00:00
Author: James Bickerton
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Poster finalists illustrate their dreams of space | Las Cruces Bulletin

To give our readers a chance to experience all that our new website has to offer, we have made all content freely avaiable, through October 1, 2018.

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While the Las Cruces Space Festival has been canceled, the enthusiasm for all things space has not. The children of Las Cruces Public Schools turned in their work to a poster contest, and the quantity and quality of the artwork is testament to the lasting dream of space travel.

The poster selected is by seventh-grade Vista Middle School student Josswe Duarte. It was chosen as the official poster image for the 2020 Las Cruces Space Festival by a public vote. The festival received hundreds of entries from LCPS students, and 12 finalists were selected by the crew from the Challenger Learning Center of Las Cruces. The final images were voted on at the Challenger Learning Center Open House in December and on the festival’s social-media pages.

Publisher: Las Cruces Bulletin
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

Astronomers group celebrates Iowa's 'unheralded' contributions to space travel for Apollo 13

Cedar Rapids’ DoubleTree Hotel and convention center to close temporarily due to impact of COVID-19

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Cedar Rapids mayor urges Iowa governor to issue statewide shelter-in-place order; local decision could come within a week

Cedar Ridge expands hand sanitizer effort to support health care, other critical needs but supplies dwindling

ELY — A local astronomers group is celebrating the “major yet unheralded roles” played by Iowa’s three state universities in the history of astronomy and space travel in connection with the Apollo 13 50-year anniversary.

Publisher: The Gazette
Date: 2020-03-24T09:00:00-05:00
Author: B A Morelli
Twitter: @gazettedotcom
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ULA targeting first launch for the US Space Force this afternoon during pandemic - The Verge

The United Launch Alliance is on track to launch a communications satellite for the US Space Force out of Cape Canaveral, Florida this afternoon — the company's first flight for the newly minted military branch. The flight is happening against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic that has forced other rocket companies to stand down from their missions to space.

For ULA, the pandemic has not stopped the company's ability to move forward with launch preparations, though they did make some adjustments to protect their workers. In early March, before state governments started issuing lockdowns, ULA CEO Tory Bruno said that the company had issued new precautions in response to the outbreak, such as limiting how many people could be in meetings and eliminating all non-essential travel, according to Space News .

Publisher: The Verge
Date: 2020-03-26T09:44:11-04:00
Author: Loren Grush
Twitter: @verge
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Scientists believe women may be better suited for space travel — here's why

But despite those statistics, there's plenty of research showing that, in fact, women may be more suited for space travel. Here's what the science has to say about it.

There's also the issue of how space affects the body. Both men and women experience a series of negative responses to space travel — but those responses can differ based on gender.

"It takes all sorts of people from diverse backgrounds to explore the unknown and to make things that are seemingly impossible, possible," Meir said. "When we all work together, there is no limit to what we can accomplish."

Date: A9862C0E6E1BE95BCE0BF3D0298FD58B
Twitter: @Yahoo
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'Cosmos: Possible Worlds' episode 2 will make you think | Space

The second episode of the brand new series of "Cosmos: Possible Worlds" takes us, as the show so often does, from ancient times on Earth through to the very edge of the galaxy. "Cosmos" is always "thinking big," and this episode is no exception — it takes a look at how humans have always been voyagers and explorers, leaving the comfort of native shores to explore.

The Ship of the Imagination, Tyson’s slivery time-and-space-traveling vehicle, then takes us into the distant future, showing our sun enlarging into a red giant — destroying Mercury in the process. At this distant, future point,  the episode takes you to survey the outer solar system, "house hunting" for a new home for the human race. Neptune's moon Triton emerges as the ideal place to settle ... for a time.

Date: 2020-03-15T12:35:27 00:00
Author: https www facebook com spacecom
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
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NASA's Perseverance Mars rover will carry 10.9 million names to Red Planet | Space

When NASA's Perseverance Mars rover launches this summer, lots of folks here on Earth will be along for the ride.

Perseverance is carrying the names of more than 10.9 million people who participated in NASA's "Send Your Name to Mars" campaign, agency officials announced Thursday (March 26).

Engineers used electron beams to stencil the monikers onto three small silicon chips, which were installed, along with a commemorative placard, on Perseverance's body on March 16. The chips also contain the essays of the 155 students who made it to the finals of NASA's rover-naming contest. That contest was won by Alex Mather , a seventh grader from Virginia.

Date: 2020-03-27T11:54:15 00:00
Author: https www facebook com spacecom
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
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Not to change the topic here:

See Jupiter, Mars and Saturn in Thursday's dawn sky | Space

Early risers this month have been treated to an unusual celestial "pas de trois," as the three brightest superior planets — called "superior" because they move in orbits beyond the Earth from the sun — have been changing positions relative to each other in the dawn twilight. The three planets in question are (in order of brightness), Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

Jupiter currently rises around 3:45 a.m. local daylight time, but is best seen, especially in telescopes, as dawn is starting to break about 2.5 hours later. At that hour the king-sized world shines fairly low in the southeast with the Teapot of Sagittarius to its right.

Date: 2020-03-25T20:43:02 00:00
Author: https www facebook com spacecom
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
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See Curiosity's epic new selfie from Mars | Space | EarthSky

While we’re practicing social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, EarthSky’s been posting your #SocialDistanceSelfies from places across Earth. But here’s one from quite a bit farther …

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Curiosity snapped the selfie on February 26, 2020, just before the rover crested the “ Greenheugh Pediment ,” a broad sheet of crumbling bedrock that sits on top of the hill. The image is a stunning 360 degree view of the landscape around the rover, with Curiosity itself the focus of attention. The entire panorama is composed of 86 individual images. At the time the selfie was taken, Curiosity was about 11 feet (3.4 meters) below the spot where it later climbed onto the pediment.

Publisher: EarthSky
Date: 2020-03-26T05:04:34-05:00
Author: Paul Scott Anderson
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Sols 2715-2716 One More Time – NASA's Mars Exploration Program

As the Edinburgh drill campaign continues, and the CheMin instrument awaits the first taste of the bedrock in front of us, the science team focuses on filling out Greenheugh pediment observations as well as responding to early results we've already received.

Having multiple observations of the same rocks and expanding datasets to cover more area helps put high value results from the drill campaign in context. We don't get to do this too often, except when we stop for a few sols. Also, it makes sense to keep the other instruments busy and get the most science we can while we wait for instruments like SAM and CheMin to process data, which usually takes a few days (it's complicated!).

Publisher: NASA's Mars Exploration Program
Author: Fred J Calef
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In case you are keeping track:

European Mars rover delayed until 2022 | Science | AAAS

"We cannot really cut corners," said ESA Director General Jan Wöerner today at a press conference, following a meeting with Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin. "It was a very tough decision, but I'm sure it was the right one."

Although the issues could be resolved in the next few months, Wöerner said there was not enough time to test the mission's software system on the final flight-ready spacecraft. He did not want a repeat of the failure of ESA's first Mars lander, 2016's Schiaparelli, which  crashed because of a software error during its descent .

Publisher: Science | AAAS
Date: 2020-03-12T10:25:00-04:00
Author: Daniel Clery
Twitter: @newsfromscience
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NASA Curiosity rover took a gorgeous Mars selfie to mark a daring climb - CNET

This annotated version of the selfie shows the rover near the Hutton drill hole. The Greenheugh Pediment is above the rover and its climbing destination is marked to the right.

Publisher: CNET
Author: Amanda Kooser
Twitter: @CNET
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Corona coronavirus hiatus: Euro space agency to put Sun, Mars probes in safe mode while boffins

ESA will pause on-board operations of its spacecraft exploring our Solar System – after sending its mission control center staff home to help contain the coronavirus pandemic.

"Our priority is the health of our workforce, and we will therefore reduce activity on some of our scientific missions, especially on interplanetary spacecraft, which currently require the highest number of personnel on site," said Rolf Densing, direction of operations at ESA and head of the European Space Operations Center (ESOC) in Germany, this week.

Twitter: @TheRegister
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Trump's NASA budget request could spell big changes for Mars missions | Space

If President Donald Trump's budget request becomes reality, NASA may need to shuffle some Red Planet missions, including developing a new Mars Ice Mapper.

Trump and his administration sent Congress a budget request for the 2021 fiscal year in February. In its fine print, the Trump administration's 2021 budget request included a few major potential changes to NASA's Mars robotic exploration program. It suggests reducing funding for the 2001 Mars Odyssey and Curiosity programs so drastically that these missions would essentially end, and it introduces a new Mars Ice Mapper orbital mission for the agency to consider.

Date: 2020-03-24T16:00:01 00:00
Author: https www facebook com spacecom
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Happening on Twitter

Sorry, Stephen Hawking, But Every Black Hole Is Still Growing, Not Decaying

The event horizon of a black hole is a spherical or spheroidal region from which nothing, not even ... [+] light, can escape. But outside the event horizon, the black hole is predicted to emit radiation. Hawking's 1974 work was the first to demonstrate this, and it was arguably his greatest scientific achievement.

The mass of a black hole is the sole determining factor of the radius of the event horizon, for a ... [+] non-rotating, isolated black hole. For a black hole of ~1 solar mass, its event horizon would be about 3 kilometers in radius.

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2020-03-24
Author: Ethan Siegel
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Other things to check out:

Scientists: 'Photon Ring' Stacking Will Create Ultra-Sharp Black Hole Photos

“The image of a black hole actually contains a nested series of rings,” Johnson tells IFLScience. “Each successive ring has about the same diameter but becomes increasingly sharper because its light orbited the black hole more times before reaching the observer. With the current EHT image, we’ve caught just a glimpse of the full complexity that should emerge in the image of any black hole.”

The EHT that Johnson refers to is the Event Horizon Telescope, a collection of telescopes scattered across the globe that combine their observations to form what is essentially an Earth-size telescope capable of imaging black holes.

Publisher: PetaPixel
Twitter: @petapixel
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The Black Hole | Garden City News

Once again it's time to feed the Black Hole, you feed the Black Hole by pouring tax payer's money down it.

Publisher: Garden City News
Date: 2020-03-26T23:52:00Z
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Harvard Physicists Refine Images of Black Hole | News | The Harvard Crimson

A team led by scientists at the Harvard Black Hole Initiative published an article Wednesday outlining a method to simulate sharper images of a black hole.

The article was published in the peer-reviewed academic journal Science Advances. It comes less than a year after the Event Horizon Telescope, a collaborative network of telescopes around the Earth, visualized a black hole for the first time.

Physics professor Andrew E. Strominger '77, the Black Hole Initiative's assistant director of theory and a core collaborator on the paper, emphasized the theoretical motivation for studying black holes in this paper.

Twitter: @thecrimson
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Quite a lot has been going on:

Property Owners Face £2B Black Hole As Tenants Don't Pay Rent Bills

The scale of the issue facing landlords and tenants as the coronavirus brings the economy to a halt began to emerge on Thursday, as property companies reported on just how much rent tenants did not pay when it came due this week.

Listed shopping centre REIT Intu said in a market update that it had received just 29% of the rent owed by its tenants on quarter day, 25 March, the day UK commercial tenants pay their quarterly rent in advance. On the same day last year, it received 77% of the rent it was owed, the company said.

Publisher: Bisnow
Twitter: @bisnow
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Astronomers Propose New Mechanism for Growth of Supermassive Black Hole Seeds | Astronomy |

In a paper published in the Astrophysical Journal , a team of astronomers in Italy proposes that heavy seeds of supermassive black holes formed via the migration and merging of stellar compact remnants (neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes) in early-type galaxies.

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Black holes are objects so dense that not even light can escape their gravity, although powerful jets of light and energy can be emitted from a black hole's vicinity as gas and stars are sucked into it.

Publisher: Breaking Science News |
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Data blackhole in Q1 2020 would challenge govt policymaking and corporate decisions - The
Publisher: The Economic Times
Date: 2020-03-25T15:28:00.000Z
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How Researchers Produce Sharp Images of a Black Hole - Universe Today

In April of 2019, the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration history made history when it released the first image of a black hole ever taken. This accomplishment was decades in the making and triggered an international media circus. The picture was the result of a technique known as interferometry, where observatories across the world combined light from their telescopes to create a composite image.

This image showed what astrophysicists have predicted for a long time, that extreme gravitational bending causes photons to fall in around the event horizon, contributing to the bright rings that surround them. Last week, on March 18th, a team of researchers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) announced new research that shows how black hole images could reveal an intricate substructure within them.

Publisher: Universe Today
Date: 2020-03-24T16:47:14-04:00
Author: https www facebook com Storiesbywilliams 205745679447998 ref hl
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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Opportune Moon by Holiday Mathis – Boston Herald

When you’re gracious enough to work around a difficult person — to tolerate quirks, skip over obstacles and co-exist without friction — it’s maturity at work, though it might also be a missed opportunity. What would happen if you engaged instead? The Libra moon will help. After all, there must be something to learn here.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). There are questions worth answering every day, and every day they will be answered in a new way, mostly with slight differences. Though you’re coming into a cycle in which differences will be more pronounced.

Publisher: Boston Herald
Date: 2020-03-27T04:01:29 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This may worth something:

Birthday Moon Phase Meaning in Astrology: Full Moon, New Moon

Astrologers call your bday your Solar Return because it’s when the Sun *returns* to the position it was in when you were born. But although the Sun returns to hang out in the same place every 12 months, the Moon is off doing its own thing—it's in a different phase every year. By looking at what phase the Moon's in on your bday, you can get an idea of what your year ahead will be like.

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The New Moon is always a time for new beginnings. Start a new project, ask out a crush, or begin a job search. Seize the day, bb!

Publisher: Cosmopolitan
Date: 2020-03-26 06:37:00
Twitter: @Cosmopolitan
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Moon looks like Saturn in incredible image: 'Makes you wake up your imagination' | Fox

A photographer in Guatemala captured an incredible image of the moon that makes the celestial object look like another —  Saturn .

Twenty-five-year-old Francisco Sojuel took the photo while at a base camp of volcano Acatenango, near Antigua, British news agency SWNS reports. Sojuel said he took the image prior to sunrise, trekking six hours to snap the picture.

This stunning image has captured a new perspective of the Moon - making it appear like its distant neighbor Saturn. (Credit: Photographer Francisco Sojuel, SWNS)

Publisher: Fox News
Date: 2020-03-25
Twitter: @foxnews
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Hunting For Water On The Moon - SpaceRef

A map of possible water beneath the surface of the Moon's South Pole, based on temperature data from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

ESA is preparing a surface sampling payload that will prospect for lunar water among other resources. It is due to be flown to the Moon aboard Russia's Luna-27 lander in 2025.

Researcher Hannah Sargeant of the UK's Open University has made Forbes Magazine's 30 Under 30 Europe 2020 Innovation list for her work developing an improved method of extracting lunar water in support of the project.

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Not to change the topic here:

FYI: Your Birthday Moon Knows *All*

Astrologers call your bday your Solar Return because it's when the Sun *returns* to the position it was in when you were born. But although the Sun returns to hang out in the same place every 12 months, the Moon is off doing its own thing—it's in a different phase every year. By looking at what phase the Moon's in on your bday, you can get an idea of what your year ahead will be like.

BTW, not sure what your bday Moon looks like? Check out a Moon phase calendar like this one or this one .

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Twitter: @YahooLifestyle
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Prototype thrusters designed for use on the Moon undergo key hot-fire testing – TechCrunch

The prototype thrusters are designed for use with small rockets, in space, delivering enough power for flight path adjustments or altitude changes. They’re designed to be as small and efficient as possible, while also meeting the requirements of landing spacecraft on the Moon; their first likely use will be in Astrobotic’s Peregrine lunar lander, which is currently scheduled to fly on a Vulcan Centaur rocket in July 2021.

Peregrine is part of NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program, through which the agency has built a list of what amounts to approved vendors for building and flying lunar landers that can carry payloads to the Moon on its behalf.

Publisher: TechCrunch
Date: 2020-03-25 11:35:24
Twitter: @techcrunch
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Grand Forks' iconic Italian Moon closes for now | Grand Forks Herald
Publisher: Grand Forks Herald
Twitter: @Grand Forks Herald
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See Venus, a Crescent Moon, and a Constellation in the Night Sky This Weekend - When to Stargaze

Along with Venus and the waxing crescent moon, there will be another celestial sight you won't want to miss: Taurus, "the bull" constellation. The Aldebaran, a red giant star that depicts the bull's eye, is Taurus's brightest star. Above Venus and the moon, you'll be able to see the Pleiades, an open star cluster that's also part of Taurus. The Pleiads— also known as the Seven Sisters—are luminous, blue stars.

Publisher: House Beautiful
Date: 2020-03-26 08:53:00
Twitter: @HouseBeautiful
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