Saturday, November 19, 2022

What is the coldest planet in the solar system? What about the universe?

But even with such unimaginably frigid temperatures on its surface, Jupiter is not the coldest planet in our solar system.

According to NASA, this exoplanet is 21,526 lightyears from Earth, and its discovery was announced in the year 2005.

Publisher: USA TODAY
Author: _____
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What Happens to the Solar System When Our Sun is a White Dwarf?

When our sun is no longer able to sustain its fusion, gravity will crush the core down to a ball of “degenerate” matter about the size of the Earth. It will be what’s called a white dwarf. But what happens to the planets that surround the sun?

Astronomers can’t see the future, but they can observe existing white dwarfs and look for clues to the fate of their planets.

Publisher: Adafruit Industries - Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!
Date: 2022-11-19T19:00:04 00:00
Twitter: @adafruit
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Solar Batteries: Everything You Need to Know | Canstar Blue

New to the world of solar batteries? This Canstar Blue guide reveals everything you need to know to get you started.

The energy market is rapidly changing, and solar storage units, also known as 'solar batteries', are a large part of this.

If you're considering installing a solar battery, then this is your starting point. In this article, we take you through the basics, including what a solar battery is, how it works, how much they cost, and whether they are worth the plunge.

Publisher: Canstar Blue
Date: 2022-11-16T21:35:44 00:00
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Fireball Flashes Above Ontario and Parts of the U.S. - The New York Times

A fireball that soared over Ontario, Canada, early on Saturday was the sixth object to be detected in space before it struck Earth, the European Space Agency said.

In the early hours of Saturday, word spread in the community of professional and amateur astronomers that a meteor was on its way and that observers should keep their telescopes and cameras trained toward the sky.

Date: 2022-11-19T19:58:34.000Z
Twitter: @nytimes
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Surging energy bills prompt rush for solar panels in Cyprus-Xinhua

The Energy, Commerce and Industry Ministry enhanced its original subsidy program by increasing its budget by 40 percent, from 20 million euros (20.8 million U.S. dollars) to 30 million euros.

NICOSIA, Nov. 19 (Xinhua) -- Cypriots by the thousand are rushing to sign up for the government's enhanced solar panel subsidy program, which they expect will help reduce their surging electricity bills, an official of the state-owned Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) told Xinhua.

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Mars: how we discovered two huge, unusual impact craters – and the secrets they unveil

The author received some funding for the work preliminary to this effort from the UK Space Agency.

Our own Moon was most likely formed by one of these collisions, and is itself home to the largest impact feature in the Solar System – the South Pole/Aitken Basin , some 2,500km across. Mars' vast, flat northern deserts may too have formed during a gigantic collision some 4 billion years ago.

Publisher: The Conversation
Author: Benjamin Fernando
Twitter: @ConversationUK
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IKEA Starts Selling Solar Panels - Earth911

For some people, IKEA is synonymous with difficult-to-assemble but affordable furniture. For others, the global brand brings to mind strolling through endless showrooms filled with home furnishing displays — or stopping at the onsite restaurant for its popular Swedish meatballs.

While solar electrical systems can work in any climate, not every home is suitable for solar panels. The orientation of the roof and available space may affect efficiency. Mature trees that shade a home may be worth saving.

Publisher: Earth911
Date: 2022-11-16T12:03:49 00:00
Author: Gemma Alexander
Twitter: @earth911
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Photovoltaic roof for cycling paths – pv magazine International

Badenova is installing 912 glass-glass PV modules along a cycling path in the city of Freiburg, Germany, as part of a new pilot project.

Several companies have tried to deploy solar modules along cycling paths over the past few years. However, the feasibility and economic viability of solar roads remain controversial.

Publisher: pv magazine International
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NASA's Juno Spacecraft Delivers Stunning Close-Ups of Jupiter | HYPEBEAST
Publisher: HYPEBEAST
Date: 2022-11-17T23:11:21-05:00
Twitter: @hypebeast
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Forest Gods. Click here.

Earth is nice. We want it.

Marin Alsop leads the Philadelphia Orchestra in ‘The Planets’ and a post-pandemic concerto

Marin Alsop leads the Philadelphia Orchestra in 'The Planets' and a post-pandemic concerto

With violin soloist Jennifer Koh, the Philadelphia Orchestra reaches dramatic filmic heights and a pandemic-induced lull and despair, under Marin Alsop's baton

Concertos come in infinite shapes and forms these days — from musical soliloquies to star vehicles.

What other composers call movements, the 42-year-old Lansdale-born Mazzoli (best known for her opera Breaking the Waves ) composed what she calls "five interconnected healing spells" that refer to the Black Plague of ages past, reaching back as far as the ninth century.

Date: 2022-11-19T11:00:00Z
Author: David Patrick Stearns
Twitter: @PhillyInquirer
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teamLab Planets TOKYO: tickets gekocht vanuit het buitenland zijn met 136% gestegen in ...

teamLab Planets is een museum waar bezoekers door water lopen, en een tuin waar mensen één worden met de bloemen. Het experientiële museum heeft sinds de opening in juli 2018 in totaal meer dan 3 miljoen bezoekers verwelkomd.


Author: Business Wire
Twitter: @The_Derrick
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Scroll through the UNIVERSE: Incredible interactive map lets you explore 200,000 galaxies | Daily ...

Space fans no longer have to rely on science fiction or wait for pictures beamed back from the James Webb Space Telescope to explore the deepest edges of the universe.

Astronomers from Johns Hopkins University have created a new interactive map that allows you to scroll through the universe.

Publisher: Mail Online
Date: 2022-11-18T11:53:00 0000
Author: MailOnline
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This Week's Sky at a Glance, November 18 – 26 - Sky & Telescope - Sky & Telescope

High straighter above Orion are Aldebaran and, higher still, the little Pleiades cluster, the size of your fingertip at arm's length.

Down below Orion, Sirius rises around 10 or 11 p.m. Sirius always follows two hours behind Orion, or equivalently one month behind Orion, as they cross the sky through the night and through the seasons.

Publisher: Sky & Telescope
Date: 2022-11-18T14:00:00 00:00
Twitter: @skyandtelescope
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Are We Truly Alone ?

It also originates from the old existence of our universe, since; it is approximately 13.7 billion years old. The universe is endless, therefore, there are an infinite number of planets, galaxies, stars and even black holes.

It has been the most common and frequently asked question in physics and astronomy: Are we really alone in this entire universe? Are humans the only intelligent species in the entire cosmos? Do aliens really exist? Is there something beyond our reach and imagination?

Publisher: Brighter Kashmir
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What Are Astrology Birth Charts? A Complete Explanation (And Where To Get One)

Sometimes, my mind feels like a mystery that I can't unravel. Why do I behave the way I do? Why can't I change my poor habits to productive ones? It's a universal aspect of humanity: Although we can adjust some of our personality traits, we cannot erase them. But why is that?

Finding your natal chart used to be a colossal undertaking, requiring a protractor and a table of the positions of all the planets and relevant stars. Fortunately, that's not the case today.

Twitter: @Yahoo
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How JWST Is Changing Our View of the Universe - Scientific American

The triumph is especially sweet given what it took for JWST to get here. Scientists started planning it more than three decades ago, and the effort to build the observatory fell so far behind schedule and so far over budget that many feared it would never be launched at all.

Now scientists are ecstatic. In the three months after the initial results from the telescope were released, scientists submitted some 200 papers interpreting them to the preprint server arXiv.

Publisher: Scientific American
Author: Clara Moskowitz
Twitter: @sciam
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Forest Gods. Click here.

Earth is nice. We want it.

10 incredible findings about aliens

Here on the little space rock we call Earth, humans often wonder whether or not we are alone in this universe.

Though that question has not yet been answered, many discoveries seemed to increase the prospect of extraterrestrial entities existing.

Findings on the closest planet to us, in the outer solar system and the far beyond seemed to point to the possibility that other worlds could host organisms ranging from bacteria to technological beings. Perhaps, new results in the coming year will finally reveal who else might be out there.

Publisher: MSN
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Forest Gods. Click here.

Earth is nice. We want it.

Chinese 'Mustang Panda' Hackers Actively Targeting Governments Worldwide

The primary targets of the intrusions from May to October 2022 included counties in the Asia Pacific region such as Myanmar, Australia, the Philippines, Japan, and Taiwan, cybersecurity firm Trend Micro said in a Friday report.

Mustang Panda, also called Bronze President, Earth Preta, HoneyMyte, and Red Lich, is a China-based espionage actor believed to be active since at least July 2018. The group is known for its use of malware such as China Chopper and PlugX to collect data from compromised environments.

Publisher: The Hacker News
Author: https www facebook com thehackernews
Twitter: @TheHackersNews
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Microsoft Warns of Hackers Using Google Ads to Distribute Royal Ransomware

A developing threat activity cluster has been found using Google Ads in one of its campaigns to distribute various post-compromise payloads, including the recently discovered Royal ransomware .

Microsoft, which spotted the updated malware delivery method in late October 2022, is tracking the group under the name DEV-0569 .

Publisher: The Hacker News
Author: https www facebook com thehackernews
Twitter: @TheHackersNews
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Chinese hackers use Google Drive to drop malware on govt networks

State-backed Chinese hackers launched a spearphishing campaign to deliver custom malware stored in Google Drive to government, research, and academic organizations worldwide.

The attacks have been observed between March and October 2022 and researchers attributed it to the cyber espionage group Mustang Panda (Bronze President, TA416).

Publisher: BleepingComputer
Twitter: @BleepinComputer
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Microsoft: Hackers are using this 'concerning' tactic to dodge multi-factor authentication | ZDNET

Three years ago, attacks on multi-factor authentication (MFA) were so rare that Microsoft didn't have decent statistics on them , largely because few organisations had enabled MFA.   

Moreover, Microsoft warns that token theft is dangerous because it doesn't require high technical skills, detection is difficult and, because the technique has only recently seen an uptick, few organisations have mitigations in place. 

Publisher: ZDNET
Twitter: @ZDNET
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Hackers Aren't The Only Unseen Enemy Behind Cyber Attacks

Translating cybersecurity risks into board-friendly language is an art. Here's how executives can educate their board members regarding cybersecurity risks and the need to incorporate stringent security measures.

The booming numbers of cybersecurity threats have compelled every C-suite executive and board members to pay closer attention to their cybersecurity hygiene. However, they don't share the same lens while watching their information security posture. And here's where a disconnect arises.

Publisher: Entrepreneur
Date: 2022-11-19T00:00:00 00:00
Author: Rakesh Soni
Twitter: @Entrepreneur
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Hackers target your holiday shopping with new phishing scam | Digital Trends

The attack was identified by Akamai and was recently reported on Scam Watcher , where screenshots were also shared, as noted by Bleeping Computer . The carrot that's dangled is a free gift that is nice, but not so expensive as to be unbelievable.

For those wary of such gifts, scrolling down a bit reveals fake testimonials from people who have supposedly finished the survey and received their reward with no trouble whatsoever. If you were tempted by the gift, this might give you enough reassurance to proceed.

Publisher: Digital Trends
Date: 2022-11-18T18:07:55 00:00
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Shoppers Warned Stay Alert this Black Friday as Hackers Renew Efforts - Infosecurity Magazine

Shoppers should stay alert on Black Friday as hackers launch new scams in the lead-up to the event.

Check Point Research ( CPR ) said the team has already observed a sharp increase in shopping-related phishing scams, with threat actors imitating well-known brands.

Publisher: Infosecurity Magazine
Date: 2022-11-18T15:45:00
Author: Alessandro Mascellino
Twitter: @InfosecurityMag
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The feds warn that hackers could hold Midwestern harvests hostage with ransomware | HPPR

"Cyber criminals know this," Omaha-based FBI Special Agent Eugene Kowel said. "They're very savvy, and they know that hacking into U.S. agriculture can yield a big payday."

The stakes rise even higher during fall's harvest season, when farmers come under pressure to get crops out of fields quickly and can be extorted to pay a ransom if it means getting back to work.

Publisher: HPPR
Date: 2022-11-18T15:58:55.302
Twitter: @@hppr
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8 Questions We Still Have After The End Of Soul Hackers 2

Forming a party and going after a giant threat to the world isn't new for JRPGs, and for Soul Hackers 2 , at least on the surface, it seems as though it's just the same.

Bubbling under the surface, though, are themes of technology reliance, empathy, and the concept of true free will. And although these elements of the story are fine and carry the story through, the world leaves us with more questions than answers. Be warned: spoilers abound.

Publisher: TheGamer
Date: 2022-11-19T15:30:13Z
Author: Rena Darling
Twitter: @thegamerwebsite
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FBI Targeted by Russian Hackers in Latest String of Attacks Against U.S.

It is increasingly common for hackers and other cyber criminals to tout their abilities on social media, but this week a Russian hacking collective was a bit more brazen than usual.

The type of attack was believed to be a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), which is a malicious attempt to disrupt normal traffic to a website.

Publisher: ClearanceJobs
Date: 2022-11-18T12:30:58 00:00
Author: Peter Suciu
Twitter: @ClearanceJobs
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Army of the Alien Monkeys

Earth is nice. We want it.

We welcome your submission to us.

ECISD students’ science, art rocketing to International Space Station - Odessa American

Three students from Ector County ISD will become part of the exciting world of spaceflight when their work is launched to the International Space Station next week.

The experiment was selected as the winner from ECISD by a national panel of researchers, scientists and educators. Accompanying Ms.

Publisher: Odessa American
Date: 2022-11-18T22:30:17 00:00
Author: Odessa American
Twitter: @OdessaAmerican
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NSF plans another collapse for Arecibo Observatory (op-ed) | Space

Puerto Rico's Arecibo Observatory began observations in 1963 and gathered crucial data for three different types of science — until December 2020, when it collapsed after two support cables failed.

With the decision, the NSF ignored most of what Congress charged them with in Section 10365 of the CHIPS Act : "to explore opportunities for strengthening and expanding the role of the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico through education, outreach and diversity programs, and future ...

Date: 2022-11-18T11:00:58Z
Author: Joanna Rankin
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
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James Webb Space Telescope will keep its name, NASA says - The Washington Post

NASA will not rename the James Webb Space Telescope after calls to do so from critics, the agency said Thursday. The agency said an investigation had found no evidence that Webb, a former NASA administrator, had been involved in promoting anti-LGBTQ policies during his time in federal government.

Publisher: Washington Post
Date: 2022-11-18T22:50:46.383Z
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
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As Mission Prarambh’s Vikram-S rocket soars into space, recalling Vikram Sarabhai, the ...

Vikram-S, the first of a set of launch vehicles developed by Hyderabad-based company Skyroot, soared into space on Friday (November 18), marking the entry of the Indian private sector into the space launch market.

The late President APJ Abdul Kalam had famously termed Vikram Sarabhai as the "Mahatma Gandhi of Indian Science".

Publisher: The Indian Express
Date: 2022-11-18T12:41:18 05:30
Twitter: @The Indian Express
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As Nigeria's Professor Of Space Science, Ojigi Gets UN Top Job
Publisher: Leadership News
Date: 2022-11-18T03:50:08 01:00
Author: Abdullahi O Haruna Haruspice
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Mars Sample Return: Bringing Mars Rock Samples Back to Earth | Science Mission Directorate

NASA and the European Space Agency are developing plans for one of the most ambitious campaigns ever attempted in space: bringing the first samples of Mars material safely back to Earth for detailed study.

Bringing samples of Mars to Earth for future study would happen in several steps with multiple spacecraft, and in some ways, in a synchronized manner.

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Space launch of experiment to create new materials for metals and medicines | University of ...

An experiment led by the University of Strathclyde to find new ways of creating materials that could be used to produce medicines and metal alloys is about to take off to the International Space Station  (ISS).

The Particle Vibration experiment, led by Strathclyde and built by UK-firm QinetiQ, is due to take off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on-board a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on 21 November.

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Trance Party Event Tickets

A Concert Like No Other

Hop aboard a shuttle to Kepler-1649c. Be there to welcome new lifeforms into the universe. All passengers must have a verified event ticket. There are 10,000 tickets in circulation so no need to panic. Limited seating available per trip. There will be multiple flights each hour shipping off from the NORAD Space Port in Iceland.

Event tickets are non refundable & non transferable (except on the black market. Call Sal with questions.) An event ticket can be reused for up to 9900 yearly transactions.

No sandals allowed on flight. Adults only. Kittens must show a custodian's ID at the gate. You are not allowed to get married while aboard the shuttle. Please arrive early if you are wearing jeans.


Reserve your spot. Click here.