Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Six-planet Parade To Light Up Night Sky In Early 2025

Image Reference: Found here

The new calendar year is approaching, and the first two months will offer some sky-watching perks, as the night sky will light up with a six-planet parade alignment.

In January and February 2025, six planets will form a giant arc in the evening sky, according to the Farmer's Almanac . Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, Neptune, and Saturn. Then at the end of February, Mercury will join the fun, replacing Saturn. 

The celestial event is called a "planetary parade" or ⁘planetary alignment⁘ and is a term used in astronomy to describe the event when several planets gather in a small sky area, Star Walk explains. A mini planetary alignment is three planets, small is four, and large is five or six planets. A great or full planetary alignment is all the solar system planets, and sometimes Pluto since Pluto has now been reclassified as a dwarf planet. 

As the planets orbit the solar system, different patterns of orbital speeds create closer alignments, such as the next two months when the planets align close together for night viewing. 

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