Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Prestigious astrophysicist talks openly about UFOs | KRON4

MYSTERY WIRE — Scientists are not quite sure what human consciousness is or how it is generated, but a few bold thinkers speculate that it is a physics question and is directly related to the UFO question.

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MYSTERY WIRE -- A paranormal hot spot nicknamed "Skinwalker Ranch" in northeastern Utah has long been the center of strange events including UFO sightings and animal mutilations. But there are other locations around the world with similar claims of bizarre activity.

Publisher: KRON4
Date: 2020-04-14T18:59:31 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

Flying saucers in Lancaster County: 7 moments that tell the story [From our archives] | LancLife

This cartoon by Intelligencer Journal staffer Jim Kinter appeared on the Intell's front page Oct. 4, 1956, alongside a story about local UFO spotter Eileen Bernhardt.

Long before "Ancient Aliens" became a cult classic of cable TV, the idea of extraterrestrial visitors caught the interest and imagination of the nation.

For decades, countless Americans (and people all over the world) kept their eyes on the skies, looking for telltale signs of "flying saucers," later dubbed unidentified flying objects or UFOs. Debates raged as to whether these mysterious visions were alien spacecraft, secret military hardware, misunderstood atmospheric phenomena or merely the products of mass hysteria.

Publisher: LancasterOnline
Date: 2B99F54CA617112F75CE495FAAFCA280
Author: JED REINERT Digital Staff
Twitter: @lancasteronline
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Massive, deep-sea ‘entity’ leaves ocean scientists ‘blown away’ -

Scientists call it a siphonophore Apolemia, but you can call it the world's longest " long stringy stingy thingy ," the giant alien tentacle or just "the entity."

The creature was spotted about 630 metres below the surface, in the darkness of the ocean’s depths.

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Researchers at the Schmidt Ocean Institute shared footage of the largest siphonophore Apolemia specimen they’ve ever seen earlier this week, after recording it in a “UFO-like” feeding coil deep beneath the Indian Ocean west of Australia, in a region known as the Ningaloo Canyons.

Publisher: Global News
Twitter: @globalnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Beam us up! UFO community thriving in Canada |

If you believe Canadian UFO disclosure expert Victor Viggiani, stories of alien visitors have been right in front of us all along.

" The problem is this stuff has been going on for centuries," he says. "The human family has had a history of things from the sky. Every single Indigenous population on the planet has stories about things or people from the sky and it goes back a long, long way."

The former elementary school teacher began writing letters asking for documents from the Canadian government detailing military contacts with unknown objects.

Publisher: Global News
Twitter: @globalnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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