Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Astronomers Say The Elusive ⁘Planet Nine⁘ May Be Found In Just A Year. How New Vera C.

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Astronomers have hunted for this planet since 2016. Could one more year of searching finally solve the mystery?

Well, if it's so large, why haven't we found this Planet X yet then? Good question. Using the Oort Cloud as an approximate boundary and considering it extends somewhere between 1,000 Astronomical Units (AU) and 100,000 AU (or about 9.3 trillion miles) would mean that our solar system is two to three light-years wide.

Spotting a planet that far out is no easy task. Planet Nine, if it exists, is thought to be around 500 times farther from the Sun than Earth. So, it would be incredibly faint. Even the best telescopes have struggled to detect it. But the Vera C. Rubin Observatory is different.

Set to begin operations in late 2025, this groundbreaking telescope will be equipped with an 8.4-meter mirror and the world's largest digital camera, capable of capturing the faint light reflected from objects deep in the solar system. According to Brown, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory will be able to peer farther into space than any ground-based telescope before it, giving astronomers their best chance yet to locate Planet Nine. "It's very possible that Planet Nine will be found within the first year of the observatory," Brown said .

Finding Planet Nine would mark one of the most significant astronomical discoveries of the 21st century. Beyond simply identifying a new planet, it would rewrite much of what we know about the solar system's history and evolution.

Astronomers believe that Planet Nine could help explain how the outer reaches of our solar system took shape and why some of its most distant objects behave so strangely. It could also shed light on the formation of similar giant planets orbiting other stars in the galaxy.

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