Sunday, September 8, 2024

Secret 'Planet 9' Hiding In Our Solar System And Interstellar 'Cigar' On List...

Image Reference: See here


IT is easy to feel like we know nothing about our universe, and unexplained stellar objects are the most puzzling feature of all.

It is easy to blame advanced alien civilizations for causing stars to fade and galaxies to bend, but do these arguments hold any weight?

As it turns out, anything is possible - and despite technological advancements, some mysteries remain unsolved today.

Researchers have uncovered evidence of a hefty planet tracing a bizarre orbit through the outer solar system.

The object, dubbed Planet Nine or Planet X, is around 10 times more massive than Earth and orbits 20 times farther from the Sun than Neptune.

In fact, it would take the planet between 10,000 and 20,000 to complete one full trip around the Sun.

But it is worth noting that Planet Nine's existence was determined existence through mathematical modeling.

A proposal appeared in a 2016 edition of the Astronomical Journal, but the distant object has yet to be observed directly.

However, the two Caltech astronomers who authored the paper believe Planet Nine's presence could explain the behavior of several small objects beyond Neptune.


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