Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Alien hunters detect mysterious radio signal from Proxima Centauri

The Parkes radio telescope in New South Wales, Australia, run by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), recently detected an unexplained radio signal coming from the direction of Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the sun.

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Breakthrough Listen , a decade-long search for alien broadcasts from the nearest million stars, was using Australia's Parkes Observatory to study Proxima Centauri when the team detected the conspicuous signal, which they dubbed BLC-1. The radio waves were picked up in observations made between April and May 2019.

Publisher: Science
Date: 2020-12-18T18:34:30-0500
Twitter: @NatGeo
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UFO spotted over Hawaii likely spent rocket | University of Hawaiʻi System News

Thousands were mesmerized by a mysterious flurry of lights that appeared to float across Hawaiʻi's evening sky on Saturday, October 24. Photos and videos of the string of lights flooded social media, leaving many to believe the sighting could be anything from a spaceship carrying extra terrestrials to a meteor shower.

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Institute for Astronomy Professor Richard Wainscoat believes onlookers witnessed the reentry of a spent rocket booster used to launch Venezualan satellite, Venesat-1, back in 2008. The used rocket has been circling Earth since the launch, slowly losing altitude due to friction with the tenuous atmosphere in low-Earth orbit. On Saturday, the booster made its final orbits.

Publisher: University of Hawaiʻi System News
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Pentagon forming a task force to investigate UFO sightings - CNNPolitics
Publisher: CNN
Date: 2020-08-13T21:21:47Z
Author: Ryan Browne CNN
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

California and Florida Report Most UFO Sightings

FLORIDA — At least once or so a decade, a story about a new UFO sighting (or newly released documents about an old one) pops up on the mainstream media's radar. When that happens, it always seems to instantly reignite the popular culture's interest in unexplained aerial phenomena.

That renewed curiosity has continued. In June of this year, the Senate Intelligence Committee—chaired by Republican Florida Senator Marco Rubio— included a provision in its annual authorization bill requiring various military and intelligence agencies to compile a detailed analysis of all of the other data on unexplained aerial phenomena. The analysis would be declassified and available to the public and must be completed within 180 days of the bill's passage.

Date: HTML5 Flash
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This may worth something:

Are those ‘UFOs’ spotted over central Texas?

AUSTIN (KXAN) — If you glanced up at the sky on Saturday morning and swear you saw a UFO staring right back at you, you're not alone.

Several eagle-eyed KXAN viewers contacted us after they spotted three mysterious white objects high in the sky above central Texas early on Saturday morning.

But don't start planning for an alien invasion just yet – because these are not mysterious creatures from another world after all.

Publisher: KXAN Austin
Date: 2020-08-15T16:34:51 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Japan orders military pilots to report UFO sightings | Asia| An in-depth look at news from across

Despite the Defense Ministry claiming there have been no official reports of military personnel encountering unidentified flying objects, UFO watchers insist that Japan is a hotbed of extraterrestrial activity.

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Japan's Self-Defense Forces (SDF) have been issued with new protocols for what they should do when encountering  an unidentified flying object  (UFO) that could potentially pose a threat to national security.

Publisher: DW.COM
Author: Deutsche Welle www dw com
Twitter: @dwnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Third monolith found in California after Utah, Romania objects vanish
Date: 635815AB3DF5AFBB454201A435112761
Twitter: @9News
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UFO sightings in North America jumped to nearly 6,000 in 2019 - ABC News

There was a rise in the number of North Americans who looked up into the sky in 2019 and found something that didn't look like a bird or a plane.

Peter Davenport, who runs the independent organization that's based in Davenport, Washington, said he couldn't explain why more people called about seeing flashing white lights, fireballs, disc-shaped objects or other oddities in 2019.

"One of the mysteries of ufology is there is a fluctuation in the number of reports over the years," he told ABC News in a phone interview. "Some years it's been low, but it's gotten higher recently."

Publisher: ABC News
Date: 2020-01-08T22:57:39Z
Author: ABC News
Twitter: @ABC
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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