Monday, August 3, 2020

No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public - Baltimore Sun

Despite Pentagon statements that it disbanded a once-covert program to investigate unidentified flying objects, the effort remains underway — renamed and tucked inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, where officials continue to study mystifying encounters between military pilots and unidentified aerial vehicles.

Pentagon officials will not discuss the program, which is not classified but deals with classified matters. Yet it appeared last month in a Senate committee report outlining spending on the nation's intelligence agencies for the coming year. The report said the program, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, was "to standardize collection and reporting" on sightings of unexplained aerial vehicles, and was to report at least some of its findings to the public every six months.

Date: AAC9C18F70AC386BC4DCF4DDF9BF1786
Author: Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean
Twitter: @baltimoresun
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Were you following this:

Estimating Survival Probability Using The Terrestrial Extinction History For The Search For

Histogram of extinction intensity. The lines show the best-fitting curves for a log-normal distribution function
(red), beta prime distribution function (blue), and gamma distribution function (green).

Kohji Tsumura
Comments: 11 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted by Scientific Reports
Subjects: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP); Popular Physics (physics.pop-ph)
Cite as: arXiv:2007.09904 [astro-ph.EP] (or arXiv:2007.09904v1 [astro-ph.EP] for this version)
Submission history
From: Kohji Tsumura
[v1] Mon, 20 Jul 2020 06:32:42 UTC (626 KB)

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Egypt Fact Checks Elon Musk On Who Really Built Pyramids | Voice of America - English

Egypt's minister of international cooperation has extended an invitation to SpaceX CEO Elon Musk after a Musk post on Twitter that the pyramids were built by extraterrestrial beings.

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Musk's posting prompted Rania Al Mashat, the international cooperation minister, to tweet: "I follow your work with a lot of admiration. I invite you & Space X to explore the writings about how the pyramids were built and also to check out the tombs of the pyramid builders. Mr. Musk, we are waiting for you."

Publisher: Voice of America
Date: 3286EE554B6F672A6F2E608C02343C0E
Twitter: @VOANews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Other Viewpoints: Amid planetary cabin fever, Mars looks great - Opinion - The Columbus Dispatch

Who hasn't thought that at some point in the past four months, as we hunkered down in our homes, brooding and restless but with no place to go? The pandemic shuttered our offices and made the idea of venturing anywhere more ambitious than a grocery store seem like a perilous journey. Any trip that required a flight or a stroll among the masses — even masked — seemed an unreasonable risk.

So is it any wonder, in our longing to get away from this virus-riddled existence, that we have found an escape in space? We have hitched a virtual ride on the rocket that will take the intrepid Mars rover, Perseverance (of course that's its name), to the red planet. Takeoff for this $2.4-billion mission took place Thursday morning, and it's not a moment too soon.

Publisher: The Columbus Dispatch
Date: 7E15F9269E2CE66F2A488ABB04B5015E
Twitter: @DispatchAlerts
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Check out this next:

Cooling of Earth caused by eruptions, not meteors : The Tribune India

Analysis of sediment found in a central Texas cave in the US shows volcanic eruptions responsible for the cooling of the Earth around 13,000 years ago, say researchers.

Some researchers believed the event - which cooled the Earth by about 3°C, a huge amount - was caused by an extraterrestrial impact with the Earth, such as a meteor collision. But the current study shows the evidence left in layers of sediment in Hall's Cave was almost certainly the result of volcanic eruptions.

Publisher: Tribuneindia News Service
Author: Tribune News Service
Twitter: @&via=thetribunechd
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Texas cave sediment upends meteorite explanation for global cooling

The resolution to this case of mistaken identity recently was reported in the journal Science Advances .

"This work shows that the geochemical signature associated with the cooling event is not unique but occurred four times between 9,000 and 15,000 years ago," said Alan Brandon, Ph.D., professor of geosciences at University of Houston. "Thus, the trigger for this cooling event didn't come from space. Prior geochemical evidence for a large meteor exploding in the atmosphere instead reflects a period of major volcanic eruptions."

Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Why We Need to Save the Parasites | Smithsonian Voices | National Museum of Natural History |

After spending the entire movie searching the cosmos, the agents realize that what they have been looking for was hidden in plain sight — attached in a tiny marble to the collar of a pet cat named Orion.

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Rather than a single villain like the "Bug," parasites are facing several threats, including climate change, habitat loss and extinction of the plant and animal hosts that they rely on.

We know that some parasites have already gone extinct due to human activities. For example, fossilized feces reveals that when humans hunted the giant moa birds to extinction in New Zealand about 600 years ago, some of the moa parasites went extinct too .

Twitter: @NMNH
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

GUEST VIEW: Who wouldn’t want to go to Mars these days?   - Manistee News Advocate

Who hasn’t thought that at some point in the past four months, as we hunkered down in our homes, brooding and restless but with no place to go? The pandemic shuttered our offices and made the idea of venturing anywhere more ambitious than a grocery store seem like a perilous journey. Any trip that required a flight or a stroll among the masses — even masked — seemed an unreasonable risk.

So is it any wonder, in our longing to get away from this virus-riddled existence, that we have found an escape in space? We have hitched a virtual ride on the rocket that will take the intrepid Mars rover, Perseverance (of course that’s its name), to the red planet. Takeoff for this $2.4-billion mission took place Thursday morning, and it’s not a moment too soon.

Publisher: Manistee News Advocate
Date: 2020-08-02T17:24:24Z
Author: Manistee News Advocate
Twitter: @manisteenews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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