Sorry, science fiction fans. You can't actually survive a trip through a black hole. And if you tried to take a plunge into one, like Matthew McConaughey in the movie Interstellar , you'd be ripped apart long before you could find out what's on the other side.
To fully appreciate why you can't just swan dive or pilot your spaceship into a black hole, you must first understand the basic properties of these gravitational goliaths. Simply put, a black hole is a place where gravity is so strong that no light — or anything else, for that matter — can escape.
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A black hole circling a wormhole would emit weird gravitational waves | Science News
Gravitational wave detectors have already spotted mysterious black holes. But something even stranger might be next: wormholes.
Wormholes are hypothetical objects in which spacetime is curved into a tunnel that connects distant cosmic locales or potentially different universes ( SN: 8/5/13 ). From the outside, wormholes can appear similar to black holes. But while an object that falls into a black hole is trapped there, something that falls into a wormhole could traverse through it to the other side.
Mystery Blob Detected Hidden Deep Inside a Supernova --"Not a Pulsar or Black Hole" |
Home » Astronomy » Mystery Blob Detected Hidden Deep Inside a Supernova –“Not a Pulsar or Black Hole”
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Fast forward to 2020, two teams of astronomers searching for a missing compact object that should have formed in the leftovers from the two-light-year wide blast of Supernova 1987A , leading them to wonder if instead of a neutron star it had collapsed into a black hole. A compelling case in the 33-year-old mystery has been made based on observations of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and a theoretical follow-up study.
"Hall of Mirrors" --Orange Glow Around M87's Colossal Black Hole Unveils History
Home » Black Holes » “Hall of Mirrors” –Orange Glow Around M87’s Colossal Black Hole Unveils History of Observable Universe
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“We were all getting together and asking: what does this thing mean?
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) image marked the endpoint of years of work undertaken by a team of 200 scientists in 59 institutes across 18 countries. The project drew on data collected by eight telescopes whose locations range from Hawaii to the South Pole.The EHT team created the equivalent of a lens the size of planet Earth by integrating data from all the telescopes that were part of the project that's 4,000 times more powerful than the Hubble Space Telescope.
This may worth something:
Fastest-growing black hole in universe has huge appetite, study finds | National News |
Researchers now have a better understanding of the black hole known as J2157 and its gluttonous behavior.
The fastest-growing black hole in the universe is 34 billion times the mass of our sun and feasts on a meal the equivalent of our sun each day, according to a study.
This massive, hungry black hole was first identified and studied by researchers in May 2018 . Previously, they believed it consumed the mass equivalent to our sun every two days. Now, they have a better understanding of this monster black hole and its gluttonous behavior.
We May Be Able to Extract "Movies" of the Universe From Black Holes
Ever since the first-ever image of a black hole was published last year, physicists have been scrambling to learn as much about it as they can.
One of their astonishing new claims is that the swirling rings of light trapped in the orbit of the black hole Pōwehi can serve as a sort of historical record, New Scientist reports . The rings of photons could be like the rings of a tree — or even, tantalizingly, like frames of a movie that show the history of the universe.
33-Year-Old Cosmic Mystery Solved?
This artist’s illustration of Supernova 1987A shows the dusty inner regions of the exploded star’s remnants (red), in which a neutron star might be hiding. This inner region is contrasted with the outer shell (blue), where the energy from the supernova is colliding (green) with the envelope of gas ejected from the star prior to its powerful detonation. Credit: NRAO/AUI/NSF, B. Saxton
Ever since astronomers witnessed one of the brightest explosions of a star in the night sky, creating Supernova 1987A (SN 1987A), they have been searching for a compact object that should have formed in the leftovers from the blast.
Study reports a transition from spontaneous to stimulated Hawking radiation in a sonic black hole
In 2014 and 2016, Jeff Steinhauer of Technion, Israel, successfully conducted two significant experiments. The first one demonstrated stimulated Hawking radiation in a sonic black hole laser (SBHL). The next one showed spontaneous Hawking radiation from a sonic black hole (SBH). Both experiments were performed in an ultra-cold Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of rubidium atoms at nano-Kelvin temperature, an extreme form of quantum fluid almost at absolute zero temperature.
To form a SBHL, the sound wave quanta phonon needs to go back and forth between two such event horizons (inner and outer) with the creation of more phonons, resulting in a stimulated Hawking radiation. This idea was first suggested by Jacobson and Corley more than a decade after Unruh's suggestion. It indicates that to realize an SBHL, spontaneous radiation from a sonic event horizon should take place at some earlier time.
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