Thursday, April 29, 2021

China launches core module of orbiting space station | E&T Magazine

The uncrewed 18m-long, 22-tonne Tianhe ('Harmony of the Heavens') module was launched from Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on Hainan, using a Long March 5B heavy-lift rocket. After just over eight minutes of flight, the Tianhe space station core module separated from the first stage. After around an hour of flight, its solar array was deployed.

The successful launch was confirmed by Li Shangfu, chief commander of the China Manned Spaceflight Program. Tianhe will slowly raise its orbit to 370km above Earth's surface, where it will meet the uncrewed Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft in the second half of May.

Date: 2021-04-29
Author: E T editorial staff
Twitter: @@EandTmagazine
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Quintillion and Equinix Work to Bring Next-Generation Services to Polar Orbiting Satellites

The ground station, operated in conjunction with ATLAS Space Operations, is located at 72 degrees latitude in Utqiagvik on the north slope of Alaska . The 3.7-meter antenna operates in the S and X bands and expects to see up to 12 polar orbiting satellite passes per day.

Satellite ground network infrastructure is on the cusp of a fundamental change. New developments, such as small cubesats, software-defined payloads, new multi-orbit and multi-band satellite architectures, advancements in electronically steered antenna technology and cloud-based analytics, are making space an exciting but increasingly complex and dynamic marketplace.

Date: 9D28F7743C790DD88F2D9C7375EF7ED5
Author: Quintillion Networks
Twitter: @PRNewswire
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Republicans still orbiting Trump dark star fail to derail Biden's first 100 days | Republicans |

"People have a 50-year relationship with this man. They know who he is and so that has not helped them the way it may have served them with someone like Barack Obama, who the country largely didn't know when he first came on to the scene."

"Biden is on a pretty steady course to deal with the pandemic and get the economy open and, if he does that and does it well, he has a chance to be the third president in a hundred years to do well in the midterms after his initial election."

Publisher: the Guardian
Date: 2021-04-27T06:00:07.000Z
Author: https www theguardian com profile davidsmith
Twitter: @guardian
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Kayhan Space wants to be part of a space traffic control system to prevent collisions

Although the report of a potential collision between a SpaceX capsule and space debris last week was a false alarm, the co-founders of a Colorado aerospace company say the scare illustrates the need for some kind of space traffic control.

The four astronauts on the SpaceX capsule were headed to the International Space Station on Friday when they were told to put on their space suits, get back in their seats and get ready in case a piece of space junk reportedly headed their way collided with their craft. Nothing happened. The U.S. Space Command told The Associated Press on Monday there was no object and the error is under review.

Publisher: The Denver Post
Date: 2021-04-27T19:01:26 00:00
Twitter: @denverpost
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Newfound black hole may be the closest to Earth

How small can a black hole be? For several decades, astronomers have worked to answer this question by tallying the black holes in our corner of the universe.

They've found plenty of big and medium-size ones over the years—including a supermassive monster at the heart of our galaxy. But until recently, they've seen no signs of small ones, and that's presented a long-standing mystery in astrophysics.

Now, astronomers have discovered a black hole with just three times the mass of the sun , making it one of the smallest found to date—and it happens to be the closest known black hole, at just 1,500 light-years from Earth.      

Publisher: Science
Date: 04-29-2021
Twitter: @NatGeo
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Watch: SpaceX launches another batch of 60 Starlink satellites - Orlando Sentinel

About 8 minutes after launching, Falcon 9 successfully landed on the "Just Read the Instructions" droneship, located in the Atlantic Ocean. It was the booster's seventh successful flight. Reusability is a critical part of the rocket-fairing experience at SpaceX, which in turn drives down the cost of launches and re-fly the most expensive materials materials.

Date: AF5DF015CBF22FE3881D47FDCBCE4F02
Author: Joe Mario Pedersen
Twitter: @orlandosentinel
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Starlink, other mega-constellations are polluting the night sky with light - The Washington Post

The rapidly growing cloud of satellites and space junk orbiting the Earth is beginning to block our view of the universe around us, according to new research.

Each individual object in orbit, from the tiniest bits of space garbage to the largest man-made satellites, reflects a commensurate amount of sunlight back toward the Earth. Multiplied by the tens of millions, the collective amounts to a 10 percent increase in illumination across the night sky. That increased sky glow is washing out our view of the cosmos, making it harder for scientists to peer into the farthest reaches of our galaxy and the universe beyond.

Publisher: Washington Post
Date: 2021-04-27T11:09:38.599Z
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

60 Other Starlink Satellites Reach Orbit to Blind Earth Scientists Some More - autoevolution
Publisher: autoevolution
Date: 2021-04-29T15:40:59 00:00
Author: Daniel Patrascu
Twitter: @_autoevolution_
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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