Wednesday, May 15, 2024

May 14: U.S. Launches Skylab Into Orbit - UPI.Com

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In The News:
Deseret News archives: Skylab helped space exploration move into space study – Deseret News

Skylab, America's first space station and the first crewed research laboratory in space, lifted off on May 14, 1973, on the last Saturn V rocket. For 24 weeks, the space station was occupied by three crews and helped push space exploration into space study.

"The Skylab space station marks the beginning of a new era in America's manned spaceflight efforts," the front page of the Deseret News article read.

There were some technical problems with the new space station right off the bat, but the issues were resolved and crewmen Charles "Pete" Conrad, Joseph P. Kerwin and Paul J. Weitz finally arrived at the station a few days later.

Reference: Visit website

On this day in history, May 14, 1973, Skylab, the first US space station, is launched

America's first space station, Skylab, launched into Earth's orbit on this day in history, May 14, 1973.

The unmanned space station blasted into space on a modified Saturn V rocket at Florida's Kennedy Space Center, NASA's Skylab website reports.

⁘Almost immediately, technical problems developed due to vibrations during liftoff,⁘ said the NASA website.

⁘A critical meteoroid shield ripped off, taking one of the craft's two solar panels with it, and a piece of the shield wrapped around the other panel, keeping it from deploying,⁘ it said.

To solve this problem — and to prevent Skylab's future crew from dangerously hot temperatures due to the lack of meteoroid shield — NASA engineers ⁘'rolled' Skylab to lower the temperature of the workshop,⁘ the website also noted.

Read more: Found here


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In 1973, the United States launched Skylab, its first manned orbiting laboratory . Skylab was in orbit until -- long abandoned -- it plunged to Earth July 11, 1979, scattering debris over the Indian Ocean and a remote area of western Australia.

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