Tuesday, May 14, 2024

We're Close To Finding A Ninth Planet In Solar System

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Dinosaurs Roamed Earth on The Other Side of the Milky Way

When dinosaurs ruled the Earth, the planet was on a completely different side of the Milky Way galaxy. This was revealed by NASA a few years back through an animation.

In November 2019, an animation by NASA scientist Dr Jessie Christiansen showed just how long the dinosaurs' reign lasted, and how short the era of humans has been in comparison, by tracing the solar system's movement through the galaxy.

The sun orbits the Milky Way's centre, completing its rotation every 250 million years or so. And, the animation by Dr Christiansen showed that last time the solar system was at its current point in the galaxy, the Triassic period was in full swing and dinosaurs were just beginning to emerge.

More details: Found here

Uranus Was Originally Named after a British Emperor

Uranus, an ice giant, is the seventh planet from the Sun in the solar system. Most of the planet is made up of water, ammonia, and methane. The planet was discovered way back in 1781. However, it was not given the name Uranus.

Uranus was first named George for around 30 years. After discovering the planet on March 13, 1781, German-British astronomer Sir William Herschel decided to name the planet King George III. However, people outside Great Britain were not satisfied with the name George and different names were suggested.

In 1782, German astronomer Johann Elert Bode proposed that the planet should be named Uranus, the Latinised version of Ouranos - the Greek god of the sky.

Read more: Visit website

Is There a Ninth Planet? Search for the Solar System's Mysterious "Planet 9" Narrows

California Institute of Technology scientists Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin shocked the world when they announced the possible existence of a ninth planet in our solar system earlier this year.

The only problem is their research paper is based on a mathematical model , not on direct observation of the planet.

Spotting the planet and proving it exists is not going to be an easy task. Brown and Batygin think planet nine is orbiting so far out on the fringes of our solar system that it likely takes somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000 years for it to complete a lap around the sun. That's a huge ring of sky to search through. It really is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

More details: Visit website


The solar system has eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. There are five officially recognised dwarf planets in our solar system: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. However, there could be a ninth planet which is the size of Neptune.

This Neptune-sized planet could be lurking out at the edges of the solar system. According to astronomy YouTuber Astrokobi, this planet orbits way out past Pluto.

This mysterious planet takes 10,000-20,000 years to complete one full orbit, and scientists could be quite close to finding it.

Recently, astronomers noticed several small objects out in the Kuiper Belt that appeared to be gravitationally affected by this planet. But the planet find it hard to detect as it is way too far from the Sun.

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