Monday, December 23, 2019

What a 'potentially hazardous' asteroid means in astrology | Well+Good

This one was discovered in February 2000, Lang explains, on the same day we had a Sun-Uranus conjunction in Aquarius. “This influence suggests this asteroid emphasizes themes of freedom and independence,” she says. The asteroid also has a chart which represents humanitarian interests and encourages having compassion for others. “The day it was discovered, the themes of Aquarius and Pisces were strongly represented.

Lang says it’s worth looking at the fact that this asteroid is considered potentially dangerous—at least symbolically. “What behaviors or activities are you engaging in that keep you disconnected from yourself or that could potentially be harmful?” she asks. “It’s a good opportunity to rethink some of those things.”

Publisher: Well+Good
Date: 2019-12-23T17:22:39+00:00
Twitter: @wellandgoodnyc
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

And here's another article:

Solar probe spots debris of asteroid

SAN FRANCISCO -- Each December, when our planet plunges through Phaethon's wake, we can see bits of the broken asteroid burn up in our atmosphere. Researchers call the light flashes the Geminid meteor shower. Children call them shooting stars.

Scientists have struggled for years to photograph Phaethon's debris trail -- until a NASA spacecraft serendipitously stumbled upon it.

Parker Solar Probe, which took flight in 2018, was designed to solve the enduring mystery of how our star gives off energy. Swooping closer to the sun's surface than any earthly object has before, the spacecraft measures magnetic fields, scoops up energetic particles and snaps images of the sun's atmosphere and its streaming solar wind.

Publisher: Arkansas Online
Date: 2019-12-23 1:00
Twitter: @arkansasonline
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Thousands of new satellites could make asteroid hunting harder - Axios

Astronomers are worried the influx of new satellites in the coming years could impede the hunt for asteroids near Earth.

Why it matters: Scientists have spotted most of the largest known asteroids near our planet, but there are still thousands of smaller, possibly dangerous ones they've yet to find.

How it works: Ground-based telescopes hunt for asteroids by taking photos of the sky over the course of a night in order to pick out faint asteroids near Earth.

Publisher: Axios
Twitter: @axios
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Planetary Society Awards Nearly $58,000 to Amateur Asteroid Hunters
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

In case you are keeping track:

Will Putin save Earth? Russia launches bid to stop asteroid apocalypse | Metro News

Roscosmos, the Russian equivalent of Nasa, wants to work out if it's possible to destroy celestial objects or steer them on to new trajectories and away from Earth.

This could involve slamming a 'kinetic impactor' craft in the rock or using a satellite to drag it onto a new course. Nukes could also be sent into space to blow up the rocks.

A new department at Roscosmos called the Russian Centre for Celestial Bodies will be tasked with looking into space to find comets and asteroids approaching Earth.

Publisher: Metro
Date: 2019-12-17T11:02:10+0000
Twitter: @MetroUK
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Impact crater data analysis of Ryugu asteroid illuminates complicated geological history --

Analysis of the impact craters on Ryugu using the spacecraft Hayabusa 2's remote sensing image data has illuminated the geological history of the Near-Earth asteroid.

A research group led by Assistant Professor Naoyuki Hirata of the Department of Planetology at Kobe University's Graduate School of Science revealed 77 craters on Ryugu. Through analyzing the location patterns and characteristics of the craters, they determined that the asteroid's eastern and western hemispheres were formed at different periods of time.

Publisher: ScienceDaily
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Czech planetary defence lead Nikola Schmidt: "It is never good to go public about an asteroid

For nearly two years now, a group of Czech scientists and academics has been working on a national planetary defence strategy for the Czech Republic, funded by a government grant. The leader of the project is political scientist Dr Nikola Schmidt. Asteroids are generally perceived as the greatest threat to Earth from space and so I began by asking him what sizes of asteroids we should be worried about?

Nikola Schmidt, photo: archive of Nikola Schmidt "This is among the most common questions we are asked. However, it is important to realise that it is not only about the size of the asteroid, but also about the materials from which it is made of and the angle between the earth and asteroid trajectory.

Publisher: Radio Prague International
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

NRL-camera aboard NASA spacecraft confirms asteroid phenomenon | EurekAlert! Science News

IMAGE:  An image from the Wide-Field Imager for Solar Probe (WISPR), a U.S. Naval Research Laboratory-built camera, displays the dust trail of asteroid 3200 Phaethon near the Sun on Nov. 5,... view more 

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WASHINGTON - A U.S. Naval Research Laboratory-built camera mounted on the NASA Parker Solar Probe revealed an asteroid dust trail that has eluded astronomers for decades.

Karl Battams, a computational scientist in NRL's Space Science Division, discussed the results from the camera called Wide-Field Imager for Solar Probe (WISPR) on Dec. 11 during a NASA press conference.

Publisher: EurekAlert!
Date: 2019-12-11 05:00:00 GMT/UTC
Twitter: @EurekAlert
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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