Tuesday, April 7, 2020

This is what Jupiter and Saturn look like from Mars | Space

This is what Jupiter and Saturn look like from Mars | Space

The gas giants as seen from Mars!As part of geometric calibrations, some days ago our @esamarswebcam on Mars Express observed Jupiter and Saturn in conjunction. This GIF of the observation shows the movement of the 2 planets (Jupiter moves faster because it is closer), pic.twitter.com/At5SmvbVrf April 6, 2020

If you've caught a splendid look at Mars , Jupiter and Saturn in the past few weeks, get ready for a major perspective shift.

While Earthlings were treated to a close approach of Mars and Saturn on March 31 and many views of the trio of worlds in the night sky over the past few weeks, a spacecraft orbiting Mars has also been getting in on the skywatching.

Publisher: Space.com
Date: 2020-04-06T17:14:30 00:00
Author: https www facebook com spacecom
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

And here's another article:

Research on Mars' disappearing atmosphere leads to top honors | CU Boulder Today | University of

Mars' atmosphere escapes into space during a solar storm. (Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)

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A CU Boulder researcher studying how Mars lost much of its water and atmosphere over billions of years has received one of NASA's most prestigious awards for early-career scientists.

This week, NASA selected Mike Chaffin and five other researchers to receive funding through the Planetary Science Early Career Award (ECA) program , which supports outstanding early-career individuals and allows them to play an increasing role in the planetary science community. The ECA program is new to the Planetary Science Division (PSD) and is the successor to PSD's former Early Career Fellowship program.

Publisher: CU Boulder Today
Date: 2020-04-07T16:16:55-06:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Mars and Pluto Point Out the Trouble by Holiday Mathis – Boston Herald

Some people don’t ask for what they need because they believe it puts them in a vulnerable position. It does! Vulnerability is the whole point. We cannot connect without it. The annual meeting of Mars and Pluto will point to our deeper problems, and also to the people who can help us with them — if we are bold enough to be vulnerable and ask.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). The range of potential outcomes is wide, so there’s plenty to be uncertain about — unnerving to some, not to you, not today. You are inspired by the wide-open future.

Publisher: Boston Herald
Date: 2020-04-07T04:00:52 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Mars pits: Gaze into the abyss with these wild NASA images - CNET

Mars has hidden depths hinted at by intriguing pits scattered around the planet. Some of these tantalizing windows may be entrances to underground caverns. If humans ever make it to Mars, they may want to consider hunkering down underground to protect themselves from space radiation.

This wonderfully circular hole and others like it first showed up in images from NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft,which reached Mars in 2001. MRO later went in for a better look and produced this image in 2007. NASA estimated the hole to be about the size of a football field.

Publisher: CNET
Author: Amanda Kooser
Twitter: @CNET
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This may worth something:

Will asteroids wreak havoc on future Mars settlers? | Popular Science
Publisher: Popular Science
Twitter: @popsci
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Tiny Nuclear Reactors and Journey to Mars | Nuclear Propulsion

This is how thrust is produced. In a way, it’s a kind of directed nuclear weapon reaction with a limiter installed. Proponents on the panel say the fuel they use is less volatile and the reaction itself is less dangerous than the association with fission weapons might suggest.

Most of the conversation about nuclear flight is about propulsion once a spacecraft is in flight, not to power a launch. Musk is careful to delineate this when he discusses nuclear for SpaceX, and commercial contractors make the same distinction. The industry representatives on the January panel pointed out that the government is both shy about nuclear propulsion and busy making plans to return to the moon. That much shorter journey doesn’t require nuclear energy.

Publisher: Popular Mechanics
Date: 2020-04-07 06:59:00
Twitter: @PopMech
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Aliens on Mars? | Columnists | grandrapidsmn.com

But there are indications that Mars is not completely dead. Occasional fresh streaks on crater walls hint at some form of liquid draining down the slopes. This has raised the possibility that there may exist below the Martian surface a layer of water mixed with a natural antifreeze that occasionally 'leaks' out, something like a spring on Earth that seeps out of an embankment.

There are features on Mars that look like giant tubes. They have been tentatively explained as a rare kind of sand dune or lava tube, but no spacecraft or rover has done a close up examination. There are also round black features that reflect no light that appear to be entrances to massive caves. What's in there? What formed them?

Publisher: Grand Rapids Herald-Review
Author: Terry Mejdrich
Twitter: @grheraldreview
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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