Thursday, April 15, 2021

Cyclone leaves 'blackhole of communication' in centre of state - 6PR

Communication has become a major issue for people in the Midwest, and it could be days before lines are restored.

Ex-tropical cyclone Seroja wiped power from tens of thousands of customers and mobile phone towers are quickly running out of back-up battery.

Member for Moore Shane Love told 6PR’s Gareth Parker the outage is impacting people beyond the hardest-hit areas.

He said the state needs to ensure we have a robust and resilient network of communications in an emergency.

Publisher: 6PR
Date: 2021-04-12T23:33:27 00:00
Twitter: @6PR
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The Roman Space Telescope will help NASA detect solitary black holes - SlashGear
Publisher: SlashGear
Date: 2021-04-14T12:49:31 00:00
Twitter: @slashgear
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Eventide Reveals UltraTap Multi-Tap Delay Pedal

Eventide Audio 's new UltraTap joins Blackhole® and MicroPitch as the third member of the dot9 pedal family. They describe it as a unique multi-tap delay pedal that delivers rhythmic delays, glitchy reverbs, huge pad-like volume swells, and expressive modulated effects in a compact form. Here's the story direct from Eventide...

The dot9 UltraTap is the result of forty years of development that began in 1981 with Eventide's Digiplex and Multitap Delay algorithms for its legendary SP2016 Effects Processor, which evolved to become the H3000's UltraTap, now culminating in the advanced UltraTap, available as both a plugin and H9 algorithm.

Publisher: Sonicstate
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Why do we still care what our parents think?

Now before your mind goes wandering down a fantasy blackhole, it's a tattoo . Nothing big, just a small one inked on her right wrist with four meaningful numbers. 'Is that it?' you're probably asking yourself. And you're right; in terms of desires, it scores pretty low on the risqué scale.

So, why on earth doesn't she just get it done? Well, to put it simply, because her mum says so. "For me, it's the fear of disapproval," Sara says. "I genuinely worry my mum would never speak to me again."

Publisher: Stylist
Date: 2021-04-13T06:01:33Z
Author: Anita Ghosh
Twitter: @stylistmagazine
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Optimising company-wide cloud spend with a 'cost first' approach

Worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services is forecast by Gartner to grow 18% this year to a total of $305 billion. Whilst the growth is encouraging and perhaps overwhelming, according to Eklove Mohan, a technology and cloud expert at Synechron, this does not give a true sense of "value" spent by companies on cloud.

Across the board, it is estimated that only 70% of the money spent on cloud is efficient, meaning that the rest is wasted. There are various strategies that organisations have initiated to avoid these wastages, including adopting a "cost first" approach to their cloud journey. 

Date: 2021-04-13T05:02:00Z
Author: https www consultancy uk
Twitter: @consultancy_uk
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Star Wars: 10 Legends Storylines That Could Have Saved The Sequel Trilogy

While it has its fans, the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy was a huge disappointment to vast swathes of the fandom. There were many reasons for this; squandered characters, recycled storylines, disrespect of the Original Trilogy's events and characters, and so on. Contrary to what LFL president Kathleen Kennedy said, there was plenty of source material to choose from — the stories from Star Wars Legends .

Legends contained many stories that could be re-canonized and while there are also plenty of stories that the Sequel Trilogy made impossible , elements from Legends could have been used and made the whole thing better.

Publisher: CBR
Date: 2021-04-12T14:30:29Z
Twitter: @cbr
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Interview: Building A Career In Bitcoin With BtcCasey - Bitcoin Magazine: Bitcoin News, Articles,

The other week, Casey flew into town with the rest of the Bitcoin Magazine team and I got the chance to meet him in person. Casey, the team and I hung out all week and got to know each other a lot better, and I knew I just had to get him on the show.

Casey is a Bitcoin zoomer, writing about Bitcoin and making a career out of it. I think it’s fantastic to see other young people pursuing their passions and aiming to be successful. Casey has a bright future and is making really smart moves right now that are building a foundation for his future self to really excel. If you’re not reading his articles, you probably should be.

Publisher: Bitcoin Magazine: Bitcoin News, Articles, Charts, and Guides
Date: 2021-04-12T20:49:47Z
Author: Nik Hoffman
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Labour and Conservative candidates clash as race for Doncaster mayor begins | Doncaster Free Press

Ms Jones, who is running for the council's elected mayor post for a third time, also hit out at the Tory party for austerity cuts to council budgets since 2010.

The Labour candidate also said the borough Conservative manifesto for the position of mayor and councillors was 'complete guesswork' and they hadn't provided an alternative budget for eight years.

But Conservative mayoral candidate James Hart hit back and said Ms Jones 'fails to accept her own personal failures of leadership' during her time as mayor.

Twitter: @DonnyFreePress
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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