Wednesday, August 18, 2021

When Will We Hear from Extraterrestrials? - Scientific American

We have been carelessly leaking radio waves into space for 126 years without thinking about the consequences. If there is a neighboring civilization with sensitive radio telescopes within a hundred light years, they might already know about us. How quickly should we expect them to make contact?

Publisher: Scientific American
Author: Avi Loeb
Twitter: @sciam
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Black holes surrounded by massive, energy-harvesting structures could power alien civilizations |

In the long-running TV show Doctor Who , aliens known as time lords derived their power from the captured heart of a black hole, which provided energy for their planet and time travel technology. The idea has merit, according to a new study.

"I like these speculations about what advanced civilizations might do," says Tomáš Opatrný, a physicist at Palacký University Olomouc, who was not involved with the work but agrees that a Dyson sphere around a black hole would provide its builders with lots of power.

Publisher: Science | AAAS
Date: 2021-08-16T16:50:00-04:00
Author: Ian Randall
Twitter: @newsfromscience
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The Origins of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence | astrobites

Are we alone? Humanity has long sought the answer to this question, and modern scientific methods are bringing us closer to finding the answer.

In 1959, Cocconi and Morrison published the first SETI paper and captured an important part of the SETI philosophy: " the probability of success is difficult to estimate; but if we never search, the chance of success is zero .

Publisher: astrobites
Date: 2021-08-16T09:00:00-04:00
Author: Macy Huston
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

UFO Investigator Ben Hansen: "95% We've Been Visited By Other Entities" | The

As a federal agent, Hansen had cases in both worlds of National Security and Criminal Law. When he was working at the state level, he was working in child sex crimes. However, Hansen says he has always had an interest in UFOs and aliens ever since he was 5-years-old.

But that doesn't mean Hansen can't tell us some things to keep us in the loop. He confessed that from what he's seen himself, all of his research, and the people he's worked with, he 95% believes that we've been visited by entities from other worlds.

Publisher: The Bobby Bones Show
Date: E98E323249F89ACF6294F958692E230B
Author: Morgan Huelsman
Twitter: @bobbybonesshow
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Perspectives on UAP From Across the Atlantic | Daily Planet | Air & Space Magazine

The Pentagon report prompted a number of reactions in the United States, including a project initiated by Avi Loeb from Harvard University and others to investigate unexplained aerial phenomena. Scientists across the Atlantic also have been watching the latest developments.

Next was Teodorani, who elaborated on methodologies for how to distinguish between natural phenomena and artificial objects. Doing so would require, ideally, that the spectral resolution of UAP images be increased by a factor of 1,000 to 10,000.

Publisher: Air & Space Magazine
Author: Dirk Schulze Makuch
Twitter: @airspacemag
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

#CFP Call for All the Papers! | James McGrath

There is a new call for papers as well as oh so many that have been extended. I may in the end submit something to one or more of them. Take a look and see how many there are and how interesting!

Next, here are several related to theology and popular culture, some new, some extended, including a few that I shared previously on social media.

Publisher: _____
Date: 2021-08-18T09:26:18-04:00
Author: _____
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

An extraterrestrial creature visited us in 2017

In October 2017, astronomers observed an object moving so fast that it could only have come from another star, the first record of a galaxy’s penetration.

It does not seem to be an ordinary rock because after it orbits the sun it is propelled by a mysterious force and accelerated and deflected from the expected course.

Publisher: Dubai Week
Date: 2021-08-16T23:58:43 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Alien Invasion: Hudson Valley Review - Thinking With Portals - Den of Geek

Alien Invasion: Hudson Valley , the latest installment of discovery+ 's Shock Docs franchise, opens with the disclaimer: "Now that the U.S. government can no longer deny the existence of UFOs, eyewitnesses feel emboldened to share their stories.

Area 51 has an excuse for its reputation, being government controlled and heavily secure. The Hudson Valley wants to be Roswell East.

Publisher: Den of Geek
Date: 2021-08-15T16:00:00 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

We are effectively alone in the universe - Big Think

When I was a kid, there was an older guy who frequented our local McDonald's and always carried around a box full of random papers and a fly swatter. He was an archetype of the UFO enthusiast — sort of a kook but a lot of fun to talk to.

Publisher: Big Think
Date: 2021-08-17T17:00:00 00:00
Author: https www facebook com 46126453526
Twitter: @
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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