Thursday, May 12, 2022

Autonomous robots can pick up to 25,000 raspberries per day

Autonomous robots can pick up to 25,000 raspberries per day

University of Plymouth spinoff Fieldwork Robotics has commercially deployed its raspberry picking robots in two locations in Portugal.

The autonomous robots feature four arms for picking, using sensor technology and grippers to curb harvesting times and reduce slippage.

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Robots and Humans Make Murals Together - IEEE Spectrum

Robots are well known for having consistency and precision that humans tend to lack. Robots are also well known for not being especially creative—depending I suppose on your definition of "creative.

At CHI 2022 , researchers from ETH Zurich presented an interactive robotic plastering system that lets artistic humans use augmented reality to create three-dimensional designs meant to be sprayed in plaster on bare walls by robotic arms.

Publisher: IEEE Spectrum
Date: 2022-05-11T13:29:39 00:00
Author: Evan Ackerman
Twitter: @
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Northern Nevada families come Out for Robots Rock!

A kid learns programming by reading instructions to "Robot Grace" for how to make a PB&J sandwich

Twitter: @NNBizWeekly
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Qualcomm could help unleash a wave of 5G-powered industrial robots | TechRadar

At its annual 5G Summit event, Qualcomm has unveiled a new platform as well as a new reference design for 5G and edge- AI robotics solutions.

With the introduction of its new Qualcomm Robotics RB6 Platform and RB5 AMR Reference Design, the company’s new solutions will support the creation of more productive, autonomous and advanced robots.

Publisher: TechRadar
Date: 2022-05-11T22:00:50Z
Author: Anthony Spadafora
Twitter: @TechRadar
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How these Dam will be built by an army of robots🤖🤖 | by Subhash Das | May, 2022 | ...

According to the project's lead scientist Liu Tianyun, in a paper published in the peer-reviewed journal of Tsinghua University said "After years of development testing, 3D print technology for large, filled infrastructure had matured enough for mass applications and would free humans from ...

Publisher: Medium
Date: 2022-05-12T14:17:28.120Z
Author: https learnwithdas medium com
Twitter: @dd_invest
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Thursday Flakes: Robots Writing Poetry, Glamping and Dorothy Lynch - Corn Nation

Let's kickstart the discussion with some questions. What is the longest Uber ride that you have ever taken? When was the last time you took a Greyhound bus? Have you ever been glamping? What the most underrated tourist attraction in your state? Do you like Dorothy Lynch dressing?

Publisher: Corn Nation
Date: 2022-05-12T08:05:00-05:00
Author: Nathaniel Perlow
Twitter: @CornNation
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Teraki, partner for teleoperated delivery robots - The Robot Report

Teraki’s autonomous delivery robots are at work delivering food from Domino’s Pizza in Berlin. | Source: Teraki

Teraki , a company developing last-mile delivery robots, and announced that Teraki’s robots are integrated with’s connectivity platform for teleoperation. 

Publisher: The Robot Report
Date: 2022-05-11T17:53:08 00:00
Twitter: @therobotreport
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

We love trees 🥰🍀💕❤️💋😘

#NFT #ETH #nftgiveaways #nftcommunity #Giveaways #NFTPromotion #ART

Hot NFT tree art collection available. This is BIG!
See the amazing artwork. Click here.

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