The Closeby Habitable Exoplanet Survey (CHES) mission is proposed to discover habitable-zone Earth-like planets of the nearby solar-type stars (~10pc away from our solar system) via micro-arcsecond relative astrometry.
The major scientific goals of this mission are: to search for Earth Twins or the terrestrial planets in habitable zones orbiting 100 FGK nearby stars; further to conduct a comprehensive survey and extensively characterize the nearby planetary systems.
EarthSky | TESS finds 30 exocomets for Beta Pictoris
The scientists said they could detect such small bodies at such a great distance by spotting the comet’s long tails, as they crossed the face of their star.
We knew other star systems were likely to have comets. Like planets, comets must be born with their stars. And astronomers already had spectroscopic evidence for a few exocomets, going back to the mid-1980s. Plus, they’d found three more comets orbiting Beta Pictoris in 2019.
Two Rocky Exoplanets Found Orbiting Bright Red Dwarf |
Astronomers using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) have discovered a transiting multi-planetary system around a nearby red dwarf (M-dwarf) star called HD 260655.
"Space missions devoted to exoplanet research via the transit technique are providing a wealth of discoveries and precisely measured parameters for planets with radii between 1 and 4 Earth radii," said University of Chicago and Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía astronomer Rafael Luque and ...
China's telescope array in Antarctica starts search for Earth-like planets-
A small Chinese telescope array mounted in Antarctica has started operation to observe exoplanets or Earth-like planets, according to a news release by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on Wednesday.
The facility, consisting of four optical telescopes and a near-infrared one, has been installed at China's Zhongshan Station during the country's 38th Antarctic scientific expedition.
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