Sunday, October 13, 2019

Navy Confirms UFO Videos Are Real and Show Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - HISTORY

Tom DeLonge formed To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science in 2017. The organization included an elite team of former government and defense-contractor insiders who would work behind the scenes to broaden awareness of the topic and persuade the government to reveal what it knows about UFOs.

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“Those three videos are just part of a larger effort by the U.S. Navy to try and investigate a series of incursions into our training ranges by phenomena that we’re calling unidentified aerial phenomena,” says Gradisher, who declined to say how many sightings there have been. “Our aviators train as they fight! Videos for Navy Confirms UFO Videos Are Real And Meanwhile Navy Confirms Existence Of Ufos – Music Board!! So when they’re out there training, if there’s an incursion by any kind of aerial vehicle phenomena, whatever, it puts the safety of our aviators at risk as well as the security of our training operations.”

Publisher: HISTORY
Date: 2019-09-19T22:33:37Z
Author: Becky Little
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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Area 51: A deep dive into aliens, UFOs, and conspiracy

The term "UFO" was coined in 1953 by the United States Air Force. Over the years it's come to include many things people have seen in the sky.

For decades, "Area 51" in the deserts of Nevada has been shrouded in mystery with rumors that alien secrets are held inside.

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"It wasn't acknowledged until 2013 that Area 51 truly existed," Barry Lewis Roth with the Colorado Mutual UFO Network said.

In 1955, the CIA was looking for a secure location for to test the Lockheed U-2 spy plane. That location became what is now Area 51.

Nearly a decade earlier in 1946, more than 2,000 sightings were reported worldwide, primarily by Swedish military.

"There was a rancher by the name of Max Brazzle that was checking out the pasture," Roth said. "He came across some debris field that had crashed there! 1:39 Mysterious Lights Seen Off The Coast Of North Carolina!!! UFO 's In The Sky!!! Navy Confirmed Too!!! YouTube!! And he discovered unusual material on the ground and allegedly bodies that appeared to be not human."

Publisher: WXYZ
Date: 2019-09-27T17:39:13
Twitter: @wxyzdetroit
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Aliens, flying discs and sightings -- oh my-- A short history of UFOs in America

The UAPs are just a fraction of the incursions Navy training ranges see, Navy spokesperson Joe Gradisher told CNN. Which, of course, begs the question: Are we actually alone?

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In that time, Air Force personnel looked at 12,618 reported UFO sightings and said that 701 remain "unidentified."

"Since Project Blue Book was closed, nothing has happened to indicate that the Air Force ought to resume investigating UFOs," the archives said.

The town of Roswell in New Mexico became shorthand for alien encounters in 1947 after reports that a flying object crash-landed in a field.

The Roswell Army Air Field initially said a "flying disk" had been recovered, but a second press release clarified that the object was from a weather balloon! Navy Confirms UFO Videos Are Real and Show Unidentified /news/ navy - confirms - ufo - videos - real Navy Confirms UFO Videos Are Real and Show Unidentified Aerial Phenomena It was in HISTORY's series 'Unidentified' that the active-duty Navy pilots who encountered the crafts first came forward ...!! Since then, a number of supposed witnesses have said they saw the military take away the flying disc -- and bodies of aliens.

Publisher: KMGH
Date: 2019-09-20T14:51:57.11
Author: https www thedenverchannel com cnn
Twitter: @DenverChannel
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

UFO enthusiasts gather outside Area 51 in the US | USA News | Al Jazeera

It started as an online joke that quickly went viral. Millions of people signed up to "storm" a top-secret US military base, which has long been the subject of alien conspiracy theories.

But, as Al Jazeera's Heidi Zhou-Castro reports, only a few dozen UFO enthusiasts ended up gathering at the gates of Area 51.

Twitter: @AJENews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

UFO debate in NC after odd lights spotted off Outer Banks | Charlotte Observer

A fleet of lights recorded off North Carolina’s Outer Banks has ignited a debate about whether they are honest-to-goodness UFOs or just part of a mysterious military exercise.

William Guy posted a 31-second video Sept. 28 on YouTube, showing what appears to be 14 glowing orbs over the water! Navy Confirms: Those UFO Videos Are Real And Never Should navy - confirms - ufo - video ...Navy Confirms : Those UFO Videos Are Real And Never Should've Been Released Naval authorities call the objects in the footage " unidentified aerial phenomena ." By Ed Mazza!! He refers to it as a “ real UFO sighting .”

“Anybody tell me what that is?” Guy says in the video. “We’re in the middle of the ocean, on a ferry, nothing around! U.S. Navy Confirms UFO Videos Are Real and Should Never ...-should...For the first time, the U .S. Navy has acknowledged that the three UFO videos that were released by former Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge and published by The New York Times are of real "unidentified" objects. "The Navy considers the phenomena contained/depicted in those three videos as unidentified," Navy spokesman Joseph Gradisher told The Black Vault, a website dedicated to declassified government documents.!! Look. Nothing around. No land, no nothing.”

Guy told the McClatchy news group he’s from Indiana and is among the workers sent to repair damage on Ocracoke Island caused by intense flooding during Hurricane Dorian.

The video was filmed aboard a ferry crossing the Pamlico Sound from Ocracoke Island to Swan Quarter on the mainland, he said. The lights appeared for at least a minute and a half , he posted on YouTube.

Publisher: charlotteobserver
Twitter: @theobserver
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The Area 51 Raid Was the Worst Way to Spot an Alien or UFO | WIRED

Normally, when you turn onto Highway 375 from Crystal Springs, in Nevada, a big green road sign sits near picnic tables and shade trees baking under the relentless desert sun. EXTRATERRESTRIAL HIGHWAY, the sign reads, in a retro-futuristic font suggestive of a space computer. This road was so named—around the time Independence Day came out—because it's the stretch of asphalt closest to Area 51. Many a curious visitor have traveled its miles, watching for jet tests and drone forays, hoping to see something they might later boast was a UFO. For decades, some have thought the secretive base holds not just jets within its boundaries but also maybe aliens and their technology. This, of course, is conspiracy theory, based on not much but strange aerodynamic sightings and the word of a man named Bob Lazar. But the region kind of embraces its notoriety with a wink-wink and a nudge-nudge.

Publisher: Wired
Author: Condé Nast
Twitter: @wired
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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