Saturday, October 19, 2019

This is the closest solar system to Earth containing multiple planets - CNN

(CNN) Just 11 light years from earth is the GJ 15 A star system with two planets orbiting a red-dwarf star. This makes it the closest solar system to Earth that contains multiple planets.

Publisher: CNN
Date: 2019-10-16T22:26:17Z
Author: Ashley Strickland CNN
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Were you following this:

Gas 'waterfalls' might be feeding atmospheres of young planets |

Stars and their planetary systems are born from clouds of gas and dust that collapse into swirling disks. Astronomers can’t directly see planets forming in these disks because they’re hidden in all the debris! This is the closest solar system to Earth containing /2019/10/17/ ...containing...Just 11 light years from earth is the GJ 15 A star system with two planets orbiting a red-dwarf star. This makes it the closest solar system to Earth that contains multiple planets. The Alpha...!! But in the past few years, new kinds of telescopes have started to reveal gaps in disks around young stars where planets might be forming. 

Now, astronomers have seen gas flowing in toward the gaps in one of those disks, as they reported Wednesday in Nature . The finding will help astronomers understand how planets collect the gases that make up their atmospheres! Videos for This Is The Closest Solar System To 1:10 Interstellar comet seen approaching our solar system Dailymotion!! It’s also a sign that those gases “waterfall” down from higher up in the disk — not just the so-called mid-plane where the planets are forming.

And, thanks to a computer model, the team of scientists behind the study showed that planets in those locations can explain the gas motions the researchers saw. With this new piece of evidence, it looks likely that this disk contains at least three planets! This is the closest solar system to Earth containing ...system -scn/index.html This is the closest solar system to Earth containing multiple planets - CNN Just 11 light years from earth is the GJ 15 A star system with two planets orbiting a red-dwarf star . This makes it the...!! As an added bonus, the astronomers discovered that gas motions in these protoplanetary disks are more complicated than expected.

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Planet Sizes Matter for Habitability Too. - Universe Today

Without sufficient mass a planet won't have enough gravity to hold onto its water. A new study tries to understand how size affects the ability of a planet to hold onto its water, and as a result, its habitability.

The issue of what might make a planet habitable is an ongoing debate. Not only for exoplanets, but for some of the moons in our own Solar System's future! This is the closest solar system to Earth containing ...containing...This is the closest solar system to Earth containing multiple planets Just 11 light years from earth is the GJ 15 A star system with two planets orbiting a red-dwarf star .!! Scientists have a pretty good idea how much energy a planet needs to receive from its star to maintain liquid water! This is the closest solar system to Earth containing /2019/10/16/ ...containing...This makes it the closest solar system to Earth that contains multiple planets. The Alpha Centauri system is only 4.3 light years away but only contains one exoplanet, called Proxima B .!! That's given rise to the popular notion of the " Goldilocks Zone ," or the circumstellar habitable zone, a range of proximity that's neither too close nor too far from a star for liquid water to persist on a planet.

With the search for exoplanets in habitable zones ramping up, and as we get better telescopes and techniques to study exoplanets in greater detail, scientists need more constraints on what planets to spend observing resources on. As this paper shows, a planet's mass could be a useful filter.

Publisher: Universe Today
Date: 2019-10-15T19:41:08-04:00
Author: https www facebook com evan gough 3
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Newly Discovered Planet Challenges Astronomers' Notions Of How Planets Form : NPR

A team of scientists used a telescope at the Calar Alto Observatory in Spain to detect a gas giant orbiting a tiny red star some 30 light-years from Earth. Baback Tafreshi/Science Source/Getty Images hide caption

An oddball solar system discovered not too far from our own is forcing astronomers to reexamine their ideas about how planets get created.

In the journal Science, researchers report they detected a small, dim red dwarf star, about 30 light-years from Earth, being tugged by the gravity of what must be a huge, Jupiter-like planet.

"It's a very large planet, for such a small star," says Juan Carlos Morales , an astrophysicist at the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia in Barcelona who was part of the research team.

It's so big, he says, that its existence can't be explained by the conventional wisdom about how solar systems develop.

Date: 2019-09-26
Twitter: @NPR
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

In case you are keeping track:

Ask Ethan: Would An Alien Civilization Classify Earth As An 'Interesting' Planet?

The ideal 'Earth 2.0' will be an Earth-sized, Earth-mass planet at a similar Earth-Sun distance from ... [+] a star that's very much like our own. We have yet to find such a world, but are working hard to estimate how many such planets might be out there in our galaxy. With so much data at our disposal, it's puzzling how varied the different estimates are.

I was thinking about the projection of light through space. My curtain was open and I saw the stars and something from a book popped into my head. It had said that the stars we see are basically reruns. The light is from so long ago, we don't even know if the star still exists or not.

* * *

I think these are great questions to ponder, and that science has an awful lot to say about what aliens would see by looking at Earth.

The orbits of the eight major planets vary in eccentricity and the difference between perihelion ... [+] (closest approach) and aphelion (farthest distance) with respect to the Sun. There is no fundamental reason why some planets are more or less eccentric than one another; it's simply a result of the initial conditions from which the Solar System formed. However, the odds of a transit are much greater for an inner planet like Mercury, which makes 4 such transits every Earth year and has nearly a 2% chance of a good alignment, than any of the outer planets, which take longer to transit and have much lower odds of a good-enough alignment.

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2019-10-19
Author: Ethan Siegel
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Solar systems are 'baby-proof' for newborn planets - CNN
Publisher: CNN
Date: 2019-10-10T15:51:27Z
Author: Ashley Strickland CNN
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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