Thursday, October 17, 2019

UFOs are back in the news — and Minnesotans are seeing more of them -

"My wife and I noticed what we thought was a star. It then started moving up and down, side to side and at 90 degree angles," reads a September report marked as coming from Hastings, Minn. "I have never seen anything like this before."

"I was driving to work early in the morning and noticed double-layered lights surrounding a massive circular object in the sky around 494 and Minnetonka Blvd," reads another from Minnetonka in August.

"Just got home from buying a dirt bike for my kids and took it for a drive in the dark to the end of the driveway," described another from Mora in June, "I saw a fireball looking circle moving around slightly about a half mile away, about 60 ft up, it just suddenly disappeared."

Nearly a hundred times each year, Minnesotans file reports of suspected UFO encounters with a volunteer organization known as the National UFO Reporting Center, which makes them available to be searched online . Extraterrestrial encounters have been creeping back into the zeitgeist this year, with the U.S. Navy acknowledging the existence of mysterious flying objects in September! Videos for UFOs Are Back In The News — And 3:04 Mysterious UFO over China! Real UFO Sighting Caught on Camera YouTube!! Soon after, thousands of revelers descended on Area 51 as part of a viral stunt that began on Facebook.

Publisher: Star Tribune
Twitter: @StarTribune
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

UFO seekers flock to Thai hilltop in search of Buddhist aliens | CNN Travel
Publisher: CNN Travel
Date: 2019-10-06T01:34:11Z
Author: Richard S Ehrlich CNN
Twitter: @CNNTravel
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Navy Confirms UFO Videos Are Real and Show Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - HISTORY

Tom DeLonge formed To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science in 2017. The organization included an elite team of former government and defense-contractor insiders who would work behind the scenes to broaden awareness of the topic and persuade the government to reveal what it knows about UFOs.

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“Those three videos are just part of a larger effort by the U.S. Navy to try and investigate a series of incursions into our training ranges by phenomena that we’re calling unidentified aerial phenomena,” says Gradisher, who declined to say how many sightings there have been. “Our aviators train as they fight! UFOs Back in the News | Issues in Science and Technology news / ufos - back - UFOs Back in the News May 28, 2019 Reports of unidentified flying objects are making news again, with the New York Times offering ...record interviews with Navy pilots who recently claimed unusual aerial sightings , and the Washington Post offering speculation on the reports and what it might mean if they turn out to be evidence of extraterrestrials visiting our planet.!! So when they’re out there training, if there’s an incursion by any kind of aerial vehicle phenomena, whatever, it puts the safety of our aviators at risk as well as the security of our training operations.”

Publisher: HISTORY
Date: 2019-09-19T22:33:37Z
Author: Becky Little
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Aliens, flying discs and sightings -- oh my-- A short history of UFOs in America

The UAPs are just a fraction of the incursions Navy training ranges see, Navy spokesperson Joe Gradisher told CNN. Which, of course, begs the question: Are we actually alone?

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In that time, Air Force personnel looked at 12,618 reported UFO sightings and said that 701 remain "unidentified."

"Since Project Blue Book was closed, nothing has happened to indicate that the Air Force ought to resume investigating UFOs," the archives said.

The town of Roswell in New Mexico became shorthand for alien encounters in 1947 after reports that a flying object crash-landed in a field.

The Roswell Army Air Field initially said a "flying disk" had been recovered, but a second press release clarified that the object was from a weather balloon! As UFOs 'Arrive' In News, Here's The Most Recent U.S ...As UFOs 'Arrive' In News , See Latest U .S. Sighting - Across America, US - Navy pilots are seeing UFOs at hypersonic speeds and Trump has been briefed on them. Here's the most recent sighting in ...!! Since then, a number of supposed witnesses have said they saw the military take away the flying disc -- and bodies of aliens.

Publisher: KMGH
Date: 2019-09-20T14:51:57.11
Author: https www thedenverchannel com cnn
Twitter: @DenverChannel
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

Cluster of lights of Outer Banks, North Carolina sets off UFO debate | Charlotte Observer

A man visiting the Outer Banks, North Carolina recorded a cluster of lights in September 2019 that many people claim are UFOs. Others believe they are military flares.

Publisher: charlotteobserver
Twitter: @theobserver
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Here's a believable explanation of those UFO videos released by the Navy - MarketWatch

Jurica Dujmović says a military patent could explain mysterious objects caught on video by a jet-fighter pilot

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Last month the U.S. Navy confirmed that three videos of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) taken by airplane pilots a few years ago are indeed authentic. (Notice we're not saying "unidentified flying object," or UFO.) This means the videos went through the U.S. military, so it can be assumed they have not been computer-generated or altered.

Commander David Fravor, who flew one of the fighters in the video ("Gimbal"), describes the object as "Tic Tac"-shaped, 40-feet long, with no wings, exhaust or discernible propulsion! Burrell: In this time of tension and anxiety, UFOs are ...UFOs , the headline said, "are suddenly a serious news story ." The rock star , the Post reported, was former Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge, who launched To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science .!! After some maneuvering, the object ended up hovering above the water! As UFOs 'Arrive' In News, These Are The Latest Ohio ...UFOs are back in the news , so we took a look at the latest sightings in Ohio. (Shutterstock) UFO sightings never really left the news , but they've arguably never been more prevalent.!! Moments later, it rapidly ascended to 12,000 feet and finally accelerated away at a speed the commander suggested was "well above supersonic."

Publisher: MarketWatch
Date: 2019-10-15T09:36:00-04:00
Author: Jurica Dujmovic
Twitter: @624413
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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