Wednesday, July 6, 2022

NASA considers sending swimming robots to habitable 'ocean worlds' of the solar system

These are environments where water that has seeped into the rock of the ocean floor becomes hot and chemically enriched—water that is then expelled back into the ocean. Microbes can feed off this chemical energy , and can in turn be eaten by larger organisms.

In most of our Solar System's ocean worlds, the energy that heats their rocky interiors and prevents the oceans from freezing all the way to the base comes principally from tides. This is in contrast to the largely radioactive heating of the Earth's interior.

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Could we eavesdrop on communications that pass through our solar system? | Penn State University

Communications across interstellar distances could take advantage of a star's ability to focus and magnify communication signals through an effect called gravitational lensing. A signal from—or passing through—a relay probe would bend due to gravity as it passes by the star.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Communications across the vastness of interstellar space could be enhanced by taking advantage of a star's ability to focus and magnify communication signals.

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James Webb Space Telescope will watch smashing worlds | Space

Researchers are looking forward to a glimpse of colliding worlds in action from NASA's cutting-edge space observatory.

After the James Webb Space Telescope finishes its commissioning period and releases its first operational images on July 12, the observatory will dive into science in earnest.

Date: 2022-07-06T10:00:04Z
Author: Elizabeth Howell
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
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Should You Pick a Local or National Solar Installer? - Earth911

If you plan to install solar panels on your home, you are probably thinking about what solar company you will hire. There are likely at least two or three solar installation companies in your area and perhaps quite a few more.

The average home in the United States consumes about 893 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity monthly or 10,715 kWh annually. Installing solar panels on your home will cost roughly $20,000 before government incentives, so this is a significant investment.

Publisher: Earth911
Date: 2022-07-05T11:01:50 00:00
Author: Sarah Feinstein Lozanova
Twitter: @earth911
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Shedding light on comet Chury's unexpected chemical complexity -- ScienceDaily

Comets are fossils from the ancient times and from the depths of our Solar System, and they are relics from the formation of the sun, planets, and moons. A team led by chemist Dr.

In the mid-1980ies, a fleet of spacecraft was sent out by the large space agencies to fly past Halley's comet.

Publisher: ScienceDaily
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CORRECTION: GR8FL Solar Officially Releases Their "Redirection Program" Allowing US Homeowners To ...

Co Founder and CEO, Kota Ivers states, "It all starts with how we train the members of our team. Ethics have become a problem in this industry, so that's where we start." Candidates interested in joining the team at GR8FL Solar, must first pass a criminal background check.

Electric vehicles are taking over, faster than people might assume. "Electric vehicle demand continues to be the one bright spot, as more electric cars than ever take to the road," said SMMT CEO Mike Hawes in a news release.

Twitter: @YahooFinance
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A 'Cyclops-Like Hole' in Sun's Atmosphere Is Shooting Solar Winds Towards Earth; May Trigger ...

As we earthlings go about our days with nothing out of the ordinary happening to hinder our routines, the circumstances at the very heart of our solar system — over 150 million kilometres away — are not quite the same.

The Sun is nearing the solar maxima, which marks the period of the greatest solar activity during its 11-year solar cycle. And it's undergoing an especially temperamental phase of late, showing its displeasure by firing coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and whatnot.

Publisher: The Weather Channel
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Biggest bacterium, comet capture and growing deserts

The filamentous Thiomargarita magnifica cells have more complex internal organization than do typical bacteria. Credit: Olivier Gros/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

"At the beginning, I thought it was something like a fungi or something — not bacteria, but a eukaryote, maybe," Gros says.

Date: 2022-07-06
Twitter: @nature
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Asia Pacific Solar Power Equipment Market Forecast Report to 2027: Increased Demand for Clean and ...

The Asia Pacific Solar Power Equipment Market is expected to witness market growth of 11.6% CAGR during the forecast period (2021 2027).

The widespread utilization of fossil fuels for a variety of purposes, including transportation and energy generation, has had a significant negative influence on the environment, leading to a rise in global warming.

Date: 2022-07-06
Twitter: @businesswire
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The Space Review: The perils of planetary rideshares

Smallsat developers have long known the benefits and challenges of rideshare launch opportunities. Such opportunities can offer a much cheaper ride to space than a dedicated launch.

Those problems are exacerbated for smallsat missions seeking to go beyond Earth orbit, where there are fewer launch opportunities and additional challenges, like limited launch windows. NASA and the scientists involved in such missions are discovering that rideshares can cause huge headaches.

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Army of the Alien Monkeys

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