Saturday, July 9, 2022

NASA Helps Decipher How Some Distant Planets Have Clouds of Sand | NASA

Publisher: NASA
Date: 2022-07-07T02:38-04:00
Twitter: @NASA
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In The 1970s, A Bestseller Claimed The Planets Would Align And Destroy Everything |

Seismologist Charles Richter -- yes, that Richter -- called the book "pure astrology in disguise" and "very close to pure fantasy." This was a theory so bad that even the Institute for Creation Research, which argues that the Earth is only a few thousand years old, ripped it apart .

This didn't prevent some overreactions. Griffith Observatory fielded reams of worried phone calls, while a Denver planetarium said people called to ask if they should sell their homes and move to a less seismically volatile city.

Author: Mark Hill
Twitter: @cracked
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Scientists propose a new theory for Earth's formation - Tech Explorist

Scientists have been studying Earth for so long, yet a few questions remain unanswered. An international research team led by ETH Zurich and the National Centre of Competence in Research PlanetS is proposing a new answer to the question- how the Earth formed.

The prevailing theory suggests that the Earth is formed from chondritic asteroids . These are relatively small, simple rock and metal blocks that formed early in the solar system.

Publisher: Tech Explorist
Date: 2022-07-09T09:55:35 00:00
Author: https www facebook com mehar pranjal
Twitter: @TechExplorist
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Rare Meteorites Reveal Details Of Solar System's Ancient Nebula

Hard and fast details about our solar system's beginnings are extraordinarily difficult to come by. But a research team using new measurements of pristine magnetic fields within two extremely rare meteorites have successfully modeled a portion of our solar system's earliest evolution.

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2022-07-09
Author: Bruce Dorminey
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

A 4-Billion-Year-Old Piece of Earth's Crust Has Been Identified Beneath Australia

Scientists can use various clues to figure out what's under Earth's surface without actually having to do any digging – including firing super-fine lasers thinner than a human hair at minerals found in beach sand.

This technique has been used in a new study that points to a 4-billion-year-old piece of Earth's crust about the size of Ireland, which has been sitting under Western Australia and influencing the geological evolution of the area across millions of millennia.

Publisher: ScienceAlert
Author: David Nield
Twitter: @ScienceAlert
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The Sky This Week from July 8 to 15 |

Friday, July 8
High in the east after sunset are the constellations Lyra, Scutum, and Vulpecula.

Lyra is well known for its bright star Vega, which blazes at magnitude 0 and will one day in the far future stand near Earth’s North Celestial Pole, making it the North Star. Vega is also part of the large asterism the Summer Triangle, a favorite of warm-weather observers.

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Carole's Corner: College reunion sure beats farm work

I never knew that pickleball could bring out the beast in my classmates; John smashed the ball like it was a Dear John letter, and Eric looked more like a beast on the court than a retiree.

For most of us, 50 years changed how we look. Thank goodness the organizers provided large-print name tags with "then" pictures. It helped me recognize Tom, who was my partner in drama class. Former CBS news correspondent Jacqueline Adams was also in my class.

Publisher: Concord Monitor
Date: 7/9/2022 10:56:53 AM
Twitter: @conmonitornews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Most Outstanding Feature of the Solar System. It's Not What You Think

Here’s a hypothetical situation. Imagine we got visited by aliens who came from another star system. Not to conquer us or to share their secrets. Instead, imagine they just came as tourists visiting our Solar System. Now, here’s a question.

Let’s start with making our definitions clear. Every good tourist place has some kind of place of interest or an attraction. It is usually something unique for this particular place that you can’t find anywhere else. It might be a landscape phenomenon, like a mountain or a waterfall.

Publisher: Universe Today
Date: 2022-07-09T16:06:36 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Citizen scientist leads discovery of 34 ultracool dwarf binaries -- ScienceDaily

A citizen scientist has searched NSF's NOIRLab's catalog of 4 billion celestial objects, known as NOIRLab Source Catalog DR2, to reveal brown dwarfs with companions. His intensive investigation led to the discovery of 34 ultracool dwarf binary systems, nearly doubling previously known samples [1].

Publisher: ScienceDaily
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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